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2009/02/27 08:54:35瀏覽4533|回應1|推薦17 | |
耶穌基督透過琳達.紐柯克和秋楠這兩位先知告訴我們,祂就要再臨 了。這兩篇話語是從秋楠先知的網站上轉貼的。 琳達.紐柯克的訊息(中文版) 耶穌基督再臨前夕所說的最後的話語: 我正藉由一些先知的口發出警告。在過去的幾個月裏,他們已經聽到了我説要來的意圖。而且,我已經準備好了!天堂裡的所有一切都已經準備好了,這是我最後一次呼喊!在這之後,將不會再有其他的延遲! 我在這個時候確實延長了一段時間,這是因為我的慈悲和憐恤之心! 因為,你們這眾多的我的新婦們,雖然你們臨近準備就緒的階段,但是,你們没有預備好! 讓大家知道我將不會和那些散布流言蜚語的人結婚。(結婚的意思是不會讓這些人成為主的新婦的意思) 我不會和怨恨或者惡意中傷的人結婚。 要以深深的悲傷來悔改,藉此來拯救你們自己,並祈求我寬恕所有的罪。 我將不會和那些不愛其他人的人結婚。 連仇敵也要愛,並且要為他們禱告和祝福。 我將不會和那些心裏有任何不寬恕的人結婚。 我將不會和那些對衆人没有充滿愛和憐憫的人結婚。 我將不會和那些對失喪者和受苦受難者没有慈悲和憐恤的人結婚。 我將不會和那些不日日夜夜地花長時間在我面前祈禱,尋求我審判他們,用寬恕來潔淨他們的罪並使他們潔白無瑕的人結婚。 我將不會和任何愛這個世界和在它裏面的東西的人結婚。我將不會和任何一個愛電視成癮,或者對世上其他世俗的東西上癮的人結婚! 我將不會和任何一個渴望肉體的事情,喜愛肉體東西的人結婚。 我將不會和任何一個在電視上討論自己的問題以及收看暴力的人結婚。 我將不會和任何一個在背後毀謗、嘲笑並蔑視我真正的工作,而且不願意悔改的人結婚。 我將不會和任何一個為了沉溺於世上的種種而逗留享受到很晚,而把我放在最後的人結婚。 我將不會和任何一個喜愛這個世界和它裏面東西的人結婚! 因為我要求你們脱離這個世界和它所有的邪惡事情以及對這些東西的關注。 我將不會和任何一個眼睛充滿了色欲,貪得無厭或者嫉妒並貪求屬於別人東西的人結婚。 我將不會和任何一個不把我放在首位的人結婚。 要將我放在第一位,而且要愛我勝過一切。 要將我的誡命看為可貴並且順從它。 悔改吧!我的新婦! 我將為潔白無瑕的新婦而來! 我警告──我很快就要來了,此時也就是警告你們要在我恩惠的時刻中多多潔淨,此時是非常急速的!而且我警告你們幾乎沒有時間了! 已經讓自己潔淨的人很少! 我警告──我會為我的新婦而來,並不是因為這樣的警告不夠。 而是我延期的終止時刻正迅速的來到。 我是你們的父耶和華,是耶和華,至高的上帝,耶穌基督,救世主,萬王之王和萬主之主。 在2009年1月21日目睹,口授並且記錄, 哈利路亞!患難已經開始了,主必要來!
在2006年、2007年、2008年期間,不只是許多基督徒, 神也讓一些未信主的人看見了空中提升。這樣的異象讓許多人對空中提升感到振奮,但同時在我們當中,有些人卻非常失望,因為空中提升還沒有發生。我相信是主打亂了我們對空中提升的心情,讓我們不管它什麼時候發生都可以預備好。 主早在幾個月前就告訴我患難已經開始了。祂警告人們,讓人們可以預備空中提升。然而我已經知道只有少數人關心空中提升的徵兆,想必之後他們將會非常驚訝。為什麼?因為祂只會將預備好並等待的人帶走。此外主說祂已經給所有人充分的機會可以預備祂的來臨。現在患難已經開始了,這意味著對預備好並等待的人而言,空中提升是隨時可以發生的。主讓祂所撿選的百姓空中提升之後,敵基督的將會統治世界。還有,大災難將會襲擊被留下來的人,尤其是拒絕接受獸的數 (666) 的基督徒。 將不會有很多基督徒空中提升,而已經空中提升的人必須要站在審判台前(歌林多後書5章10節),並且我們的行為將會被火試驗 (歌林多前書3章12-15節 )。儘管已經空中提升了,但其中並沒有很多基督徒可以進天國,這是因為他們的內心沒有充分地潔淨。當 神講到這些事情的時候,它們真的使我感到恐懼,而且看過書的人們早該知道這樣的事。 在主頭幾次帶我去天國時,主讓我看到像水晶一般清澈的水,主告訴我,為了要進天國,人的內心必須要和這一樣清澈。當主這樣告訴我時,我感到十分害怕,也很好奇誰能擁有像這樣清澈的內心。在主讓我看到清澈的水之後,我總是過著敬畏 神的生活。所以我一如往常地花很多時間向主導告並且每天與祂來往。雖然我知道工作的人要和主共度很多時間是很困難的,但希望各位要盡量和主共度最多的時間,不是偶爾而是要將祂當成你生活的重心來服事。在沒有與主來往、也不敬畏 神的情況下,人是無法讓主喜悅的。我們應該要確認聖靈是否一直喜悅我們 (羅8:11) ,祂是讓耶穌復活升天的那位。我內心的渴望就是所有主內的弟兄姊妹都可以空中提升。 當我看到琳達預言性的文章時,印象真的很深刻。我曾經針對這篇文章向主禱告,結果主說要放到我的網頁上。雖然有些人不平不滿地說琳達是怎樣的人,但其實我也不認識琳達,只知道放在網頁上的訊息,而這訊息是屬於聖經的。放在我網頁上的從琳達而來的訊息,和主告訴我的部分非常類似。這是主希望祂的新婦要如何預備的內容。當我看到有些基督徒不知道為了成為耶穌的新婦應該要付出什麼,就這樣行動時,感到非常痛心。不管是在任何情況之下,任何人、任何事,都不能擺在比主更前面的位置。我們應該知道,主應該處在任何人、任何一切之上。依照路加福音14章26-27節所說,任何家人或所愛的人都不能比為我們死的主耶穌優先。請讚美神!如果想要聖潔的過生活, 就要依據 神的話語來生活。應該要走在窄路上,即使任何的困難臨到,我們身為主的精兵應該還是要忍耐才對(提摩太後書2章3節)。 有些基督徒相信,為 神做了不起的事就可以進天國(太7章22-23節)。在救援方面最重要的是完全的順從和愛(馬太福音5:19,馬可福音12:30-31,約翰福音14:23-24節)。為了要傳道鄰舍,使他們領受救援,我們應該要充分的愛他們才對。耶穌已經為我們的靈魂死去了,如果我們真的愛主,並且希望能獻上喜悅給主,就應該要從世上死去,因為我們無法兩個都愛(約翰一書2章15-16節)。 神就是愛。 神希望我們不要只愛相信祂的人,也要愛所有人,而且如果在我們的心裡有不饒恕的部分,這就是非常大的罪。我們應該要饒恕他人,不管他們對我們做什麼,我們都不應該討厭他們。話語見證說,不饒恕弟兄的人是居住在黑暗中的人(約翰一書2章11節)。如果不饒恕弟兄,就無法從 神得到寬恕,也無法進入天國( 馬太福音6章14-15節)。主為我們的永生受苦多少,我們就應該相對的為祂犧牲些什麼,不過其實這樣是沒有意義的,因為我們所能經歷的任何痛苦,也不足以跟主所經歷過的比較。 有些基督徒認為在心中以信心來迎接主,這樣就做到基督徒生活當中應該做的事,但其實這是魔鬼的騙術 。根據腓立比書2章12節,我們要以恐懼戰兢達成救援才可以。絕對不能忘記,若沒有清潔的心,任何人都無法見到主(馬太福音5章8節,以弗所5章27節,希伯來書12章14節)。因為 神是很聖潔的,所以有任何污穢就不能進入祂的國。我相信是因為這樣 神才讓我看見有許多人待在天國外面被稱為溪谷的地方。有些人說在溪谷比在地獄還好。是的,當然比地獄好,但是我們還有機會迎接到可以進天國這個令人驚訝的 神的約定。主對我們所有的期盼,只是順從祂的話語,並且愛主勝過一切的微小犧牲。耶穌已經為了我們的永生受痛苦死去了,那麼為什麼我們不去領受主為我們預備的一切呢? 我們應該要追求讓自己成為主最美麗的新婦, 我們何不拋棄屬世的習慣並讓主喜悅呢?雖然我們居住在這地上的時間很短暫,但是只要和主在一起,這時刻一定會成為我們所能想像的最幸福的永恆時刻。 我們居住在這地上的期間所犧牲的一切都會有價值的。在琳達的訊息中,提到基督徒太常看電視。真正重生的基督徒不會看電視裡屬世的部分,也不會聽屬世的音樂。就如 神所說的一般,我們無法同享受世上和主。 我們應該了解,雖然患難已經開始了,但是直到空中提升發生為止,我們任何人都無法知道那日子、那時辰。我們應該要以忍耐來等待,絕對不能放棄。希望各位準備好來等待主,因為沒有人明白 神的旨意 (以賽亞書 55章8-9節)。我相信那些既不準備也不等待的人,將會非常驚訝空中提升可以發生的多麼快。 主擔心幾位牧師,並且對於他們沒有教導在最後時刻會有空中提升以及獸的數的印記(666)這件事感到很大的不滿。 神說這些牧師會和他們的會眾一起留下來,因為聖徒們根本沒有被教導說如果接受獸的數,在他們身上將會發生什麼樣的事,所以大部分的人都會接受獸的數。這也就是主說被留下的基督徒大多數會變成屬撒旦的原因。主還說,大多數的教會都沒有教導在主的聖潔之日──主日時不要作生意,也沒有教導那些成為教會身體的聖徒主日時不要花錢。根據主的話語, 基督徒在主日的時候只能夠把錢用在什一奉獻和一般奉獻上(尼西米記10章31節和13章15節,林前16章2節)。 感謝 神允許我寫下這篇文章給主內的弟兄姐妹。我禱告這篇從主來的信息能在所有讀者身上成為祝福,此外我也禱告 神讓主的新婦們打開眼睛,好預備並等待空中提升。阿們! 願平安和所有屬靈的祝福歸給閱讀這篇信息的所有人。 願所有的榮耀與尊貴歸給 神 Maranatha(主必要來!) 秋多馬 推薦閱讀:救援之路 (異位性皮膚炎康復) 以下是原文,轉貼自秋楠的網站 http://www.choothomas.com/urgentmessage.htmlI have been sounding the alarm through the mouths of My prophets. They have heard ME tell of My intentions to come in months past. And, I have been ready! All in heaven is now prepared and ready and I am giving this one last shout! There shall be no other delay, past this one! I only delay now as My bowels of mercy and compassion have been moved to extend this time for a short time indeed! For, many of you, oh My Bride, stand on the brink of being ready! But, you are not ready! LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I WILL MARRY NO GOSSIP-MONGERS. NO PURVEYORS OF HATE OR MALICE, SAVE YOU REPENT IN DEEP SORROW AND SEEK MY FORGIVENESS FOR ALL. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO DO NOT LOVE OTHERS, EVEN TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, TO PRAY FOR THEM AND TO BLESS THEM. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO HAVE ANY SORT OF UNFORGIVENESS IN THEIR HEARTS. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHOSE BOWELS ARE NOT FULL OF LOVE AND COMPASSION TOWARD ALL. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO DO NOT HAVE MERCY AND COMPASSION TOWARD THE LOST, THE HURT AND THE SUFFERING. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO HAVE NOT SPENT LONG HOURS IN PRAYER BEFORE ME, NIGHT AND DAY, SEEKING ME TO JUDGE THEM, TO PURIFY THEIR SINS THROUGH FORGIVENESS AND TO MAKE THEM WHITE. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO LOVE THE WORLD AND WHAT IS IN IT. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO ARE ADDICITED TO TELEVISION, OR TO ANY OTHER WORLDLY THING! I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO LUST AFTER THE FLESH AND WHO LOVE THINGS OF THE FLESH. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO MAKE TELEVISION THEIR COUNSEL, AND WHO LOOK UPON VIOLENCE. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO BACKBITE, AND WHO MOCK AND SCORN MY TRUE WORKS AND WILL NOT REPENT. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO STAY UP LATE TO CHASE THINGS OF THE WORLD, AND WHO PUT ME LAST. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO LOVE THE WORLD AND WHAT IS IN IT! FOR, I DEMAND THAT YOU RENOUNCE THE WORLD AND ALL OF ITS EVIL MATTERS AND CONCERNS. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO LOOK UPON ANOTHER WITH EYES OF LUST, OR WHO COVETS, OR JEALOUSLY LONGS AFTER WHAT BELONGS TO ANOTHER. I WILL MARRY NONE, WHO DO NOT PUT ME FIRST, KEEP ME FIRST AND LOVE ME ABOVE ALL, CHERISHING MY COMMANDMENTS AND OBEYING THEM ALL. REPENT, OH, YOU BRIDE OF MINE! I WILL COME FOR A CLEAN BRIDE! AND, BE WARNED, THAT I COME VERY SOON AND BE WARNED ALSO THAT AT THIS TIME, AND FROM MY VANTAGEPOINT, SAVE MANY OF YOU GET CLEAN AND QUICKLY SO, I WILL TAKE AT THIS TIME FEW INDEED! FOR, FEW INDEED YOU ARE, WHO HAVE MADE YOURSELVES CLEAN! BUT, EVEN SO, IT IS NOT FOR ANY LACK OF WARNINGS THAT I AM COMING FOR MY BRIDE! I HAVE WARNED YOU! AND, THE TIME OF MY TARRYING IS FAST COMING TO AN END. I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, Jesus, Saviour, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 21st day of January, 2009, Linda Newkirk 以下是秋楠的訊息(英文版) February 17, 2009 (A Message from Choo Thomas) Hallelujah, the Tribulation has Already Begun; MARANATHA!!! During 2006, 2007 and 2008 God showed so many Christians the rapture as well as some unbelievers. These visions made so many people excited about the rapture and at the same time some of us were very disappointed because it had not happen yet. I believe God wanted to stir our hearts up for the rapture so we can be prepared for it at anytime. The Lord told me a few months ago that the tribulation has already begun. He is warning and preparing people for the rapture but realized not many are paying attention to the signs of the rapture and they will be very surprised because He is going to only bring those who are ready and waiting for Him. God also said He has given enough chances for everybody to be ready for His coming. Now the tribulation has begun and this means the rapture could happen at any time for those who are ready and waiting. After He raptures His chosen ones, then the antichrist will take over the world and great disasters will come to those left behind especially those Christians who refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast (#666). God said not too many Christians will be raptured and whoever does get raptured will have to stand before the judgment seat (2 Corinthians 5:10) and our work will be tested by fire (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Even after we are raptured not too many Christians will enter His Kingdom because their hearts are not pure enough. When God says these words they really scare me and whoever has read the book should already know these things. When the Lord took me to Heaven the first couple of times, He showed me crystal clear water and said one's heart has to be as clear as this in order to enter His Kingdom. When the Lord told me this, I was very scared and I wondered how anyone's heart could be this pure. I always live in fear of God ever since He showed me the water. This is the reason why I still spend a lot of time with the Lord by praying and having a relationship with Him daily. I know it is hard for people who work to spend long hours with the Lord but please do your best to spend as much time as you can and let Him be the center of your life not just sometimes but always. Without a relationship with the Lord and not living in fear of God, one cannot please Him. We have to make sure the Holy Spirit is pleased with us continually. He is the one who raised Jesus from the dead to Heaven (Romans 8:11). My heart's desire is that all my brothers and sisters in the Lord will be raptured. When I saw Linda's prophetic words, it really impressed me. I prayed about it and the Lord told me to have it posted on my website. Some people complained about who Linda is but the truth is I did not know Linda but rather the message (the part posted on my web site) and how it is biblical. The message posted on my website from Linda is very similar to what God tells me and also what He wants His Bride to be. It hurts me to see the way some Christians live and behave and they don't know what it takes to be the Bride of Jesus. We cannot let anyone or anything come before God no matter what the situation. We have to know that He has to be above everyone and everything in our lives. According to Luke 14:26-27, none of our family members or loved ones can ever be put before our Lord Jesus who died for us. PRAISE THE LORD. Anyone who wants to be holy has to live by the word of God. We have to walk a narrow path (Matthew 7:14). Whatever hardship comes into our lives we have to endure as good soldiers of the Lord (2 Timothy 2:3). Some Christians believe by doing great work for God they will enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:22-23). The most important part of our salvation is total obedience and love (Matthew 5:19; Mark 12:30-31; John 14:23-24). We must love others enough to witness to them to also be saved. Jesus died for our soul, if we truly love the Lord and want to please Him, we have to die from the world because we cannot love both (1 John 2:15-16). God is love and He wants us to love all not just believers and if we have unforgivness in our hearts that is a great sin. We have to forgive and not hate others no matter what they have done to us. His word says the people who are living in darkness are the ones who do not forgive (1 John 2:11). If one does not forgive then they also cannot be forgiven by God and that will prevent that person from entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 6:14-15). As much as the Lord suffered for our eternity, whatever we sacrifice for Him is really insignificant because no suffering that we will ever endure can ever be compared to what He went through. Some Christians think when they receive the Lord into their hearts by faith that is all they have to do in their Christian life but this actually is a deception from the Devil. According to Philippians 2:12, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We must never forget that without a pure heart no one can see the Lord (Matthew 5:8, Ephesians 5:27, Hebrews 12:14). God is so holy that any defiled thing cannot enter His Kingdom. I believe this is why God showed me so many people outside His Kingdom and that is called the valley. Some people tell me that being in the valley is better than Hell. Yes, of course it is better than Hell, but we still have a chance to receive the wonderful promises of God if we enter His Kingdom. All He requires from us is a small sacrifice and that is to be obedient and to love Him above all. Jesus suffered and died for our eternity so why shouldn’t we receive all that He prepared for us? We should be looking forward to being the most beautiful Bride of Christ. Why shouldn't we give up all worldly habits and try to please the Lord? We are only on this earth for such a short period of time but with the Lord it will be forever and the happiest time we could ever imagine. Whatever we sacrifice while we are here on earth is all worth it. In Linda's message she commented on how Christians are watching too much television. Truly reborn Christians do not watch worldly things on television or listen to worldly music. Like God says, we cannot enjoy both the world and Him. We must understand that the tribulation has begun but none of us will know the day or hour when the rapture will actually occur. We have to patiently wait and never give up, just be ready and waiting for the Lord because no one can understand God’s will (Isaiah 55:8-9). I believe those who are not ready and waiting are going to be very surprised how soon the rapture could happen.
I am humble and thankful to God for allowing me to write this for my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I pray this message from our Lord will be a blessing and an eye opener to every reader so His Bride will be ready and waiting for the rapture of the Body of Christ, Amen. Peace and all spiritual blessing to every reader. To God be all the glory and honor. MARANATHA!!! Choo Thomas
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