蓬萊_心燈/雲山霧水 ![](https://g.udn.com/community/img/misc/ruru08242003_g12.gif)
雲說山 遠遠
霧見水 茫茫
探一探 望一望
自那夢境裡 為等待守候著等待
自那夜幕裡 去呼喚溫柔的呢喃
不再移動 不再更改
不再忘情 不再取捨得失
不再倒帶 不再猶豫傷懷
寧秋 2011.10.07
Joan Baez
There was a wealthy merchant
In London he did well
He had a lovely daughter
The truth to you I'll tell
Oh, the truth to you I'll tell
She had sweethearts a-plenty and men of high degree
There was none but Jack the sailor
Her true love ever could be
Oh, her true love ever could be
Now Jackie's gone a-sailing with trouble on his mind
To leave his native country and his darling girl behind
Oh, his darling girl behind
She went into a tailor shop and dressed in men's array
And stepped on board a vessel to convey herself away
Oh, convey herself away
"Before you step on board, sir. Your name I'd like to know"
She smiled all in her countenance,
"They call me Jackaroe"
Oh, they call me Jackaroe
"Your waist is light and slender,
Your fingers are neat and small
Your cheeks too red and rosy to face the cannonball"
Oh, to face the cannonball
"I know my waist is slender, my fingers neat and small
But it would not make me tremble to see ten thousand fall"
Oh, to see ten thousand fall
The war soon being over
They hunted all around
And among the dead and dying
Her darling boy she found
Oh, her darling boy she found
She picked him up all in her arms
And carried him to the town
And sent for a physician who quickly healed his wounds
Oh, who quickly healed his wounds
This couple they got married
So well they did agree
This couple they got married
So why not you and me
Oh, so why not you and me