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2011/05/02 07:22:47瀏覽684|回應0|推薦92



為你~  無怨無悔
等你~  徹夜難以入睡
這樣的夜  心緒皺眉
那種直覺  會是你  還是誰?
猜測的眼眸  該問說或無語
都是一直以來  沉靜的追隨

為心  尋覓空位
等過  糾纏越界
今晨的雨  是昨夕的偈
昨夕的歌  寫往昔唱的為誰?
感情  說了也算
愛戀  都煎熬成了書狀
立誓與約定  總是爭執著先後

誰會在小雨中  收拾那悲昔的低迴
誰會撐起傘來  接手那回眸的獨醉

是為誰  歡喜無悔的相對
是等誰  任雨灑透了心扉


寧秋  2011.05.02.


恋におちて-Fall in Love-

もしも 願いが叶うなら
吐息を 白いバラに変えて
逢えない日には 部屋じゅうに
飾りましょう 貴方を想いながら

Daring, I want you 逢いたくて
ときめく恋に 駆け出しそうなの
迷子のように 立ちすくむ
わたしをすぐに 届けたくて

※ダイヤル回して 手を止めた
I'm just a woman
Fall in love※

If my wishes can be true
Will you change my sighs
to roses, whiter roses
decorate them for you
Thinkin' 'bout you every night
and find out where I am
I am not livin' in your heart

Daring, I need you どうしても
口に出せない 願いがあるのよ


Daring, you love me 今すぐに
貴方の声が 聞きたくなるのよ
両手で 頬を 押さえても
途方に暮れる 夜が嫌い


Don't you remember
When You were here
without a thinking
We were caught in fire
I've got a love song
but Where it goes
three loving hearts are
pullin' apart of one

Can't stop you, Can't hold you
Can't wait no more
I'm just a woman
fall in love
I'm just a woman
fall in love

Fall in love (英文版歌詞)     

If my wishes can be true
Will you change my sighs
To roses whiter roses
Decorate them for you
Thinking about you every night
And find out where I am
I am not living in your heart

Darling, I want you
Need to be with you
Can't keep myself still
Heart craves for your love
Just like a lost child
Standing here alone
By your side I want to be
As soon as it can be
Can't stop you, can't hold you
Can't wait no more
I'm just a woman fall in love

Happiness is not for me
To steal away with force
This is all reality
So sad to know it's true
First touch of prism
And through it I see
Your warmest and the most loving eyes

Darling I need you
Helpless I feel inside
I have a wish never to be said
Want you, I need you stay by my side
Weekends won't go by without you on my mind
Can't stop you, can't hold you
Can't wait no more
I'm just a woman fall in love

Darling, you love me
Can't wait to hear your voices and your words
Need it now no later
Nights that I spend alone
Thinking about you here
Peace is not with me
Don't know what to do
Can't stop you, can't hold you
Can't wait no more
I'm just a woman fall in love

Don't you remember
When you were here without a thinking
We were caught in fire
I've got a love song
But where it goes ?
Three loving hearts are pulling apart of one
Can't stop you, can't hold you
Can't wait no more
I'm just a woman fall in love
I'm just a woman fall in love

( 創作詩詞 )
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