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如何把任何的問題轉成寧靜的祈禱 ~~~轉載分享
2009/02/23 13:27:27瀏覽769|回應2|推薦15


Angel Therapy: How to Turn Any Problem Into

a Peaceful Prayer  如何把任何的問題轉成寧靜的祈禱

February 2009 How to Turn Any Problem Into a Peaceful Prayer by Doreen Virtue

What changes would you like to experience right now? If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for?

你現在想要體驗甚麼改變? 如果你有一支魔法棒, 你想要甚麼?

Your answers are the foundations for your affirmations, prayers, and manifestations. With your answers, you can resolve and heal ANY situation!

你的回答是你的祈使句, 祈禱和實現的基礎. 有了回答, 你可以解決和治癒任何的情況!

Let’s say that you wished for a better job, more money, a soulmate, increased health, and so forth. With the current world energy flowing at such a

rapid rate, our thoughts and feelings are magnetizing and attracting at record speeds!

假使你想要一個更好的工作, 更多錢, 一個靈魂伴侶, 逐漸恢復的健康等等.

 在今日能量流動如此快速的時空, 我們的思想和感覺是用前所未有的速度在吸引著! 


So for a better job: say: “Thank you for my meaningful, exciting, prosperous, and interesting job.”

所以要個好工作, 說: "謝謝祢給我一個有意義, 令人興奮, 蓬勃 和有趣的工作!"

For more money, say: “I am completely financially secure and supported in all ways.”

要更多錢,說: "我完全的經濟安定並在所有層面都被支持著!"

For a soulmate say: “I am happy, honored, loved, and in love with my kind, faithful, and healthy soulmate.”

要一個靈魂伴侶, 說:

 "我好快樂,被寵著,被愛著, 並跟一個善良,忠誠和健康的靈魂伴侶相愛著!"

For increased health say: “My body is completely healthy, energized, and vitalized now and always.”

要更健康,說: "我的身體現在完全的健康,充滿能量和活力! 而且總是如此! "


If you find yourself complaining about any situation, you have a wonderful foundation to turn the situation into a blessing! Complaints affirm that

you’re a victim to outside forces or other people. You ARE powerful and aren’t a victim to anything or anyone. You always have choices that

you can make. Secondly, complaints are affirmations and prayers which attract that which you’re complaining about. In other words, more of

the same.

如果你發現自己在抱怨某個情況, 你有一個很棒的基礎把這個情況轉變成一個祝福!


 你有力量的, 而且不是任何人事物的受害者. 你總是有選擇的機會.

  再來, 抱怨就像一種祈使句或祈禱, 會引來更多你所抱怨的內容.

 換句話說, 會有更多相同的抱怨.


So if you find yourself thinking or saying a complaint like: “I don’t have enough time!” take the words and rearrange them into a positive statement

that affirms what you desire as already being true: “I have plenty of time!” and “I have all the time in the world.” These statements will help

you to relax, let go of fear or stress, and have the experience of more time.

所以, 如果你發現自己正在想著或說著一個抱怨像是,

 "我沒有足夠的時間!" 把這些話重組一下變成正面的宣言,


"我有很多的時間!" "我有全世界的時間!"

這些宣言會幫助你放鬆, 釋放恐懼和壓力, 而且會讓你體驗到有更多的時間!


Call upon the Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, to lift your thoughts if you ever feel stressed, worried, or afraid. Jophiel is a wonderful

healer, who illuminates our mind with love and peace. This strong angel is happy to shoulder your burdens and take them to God for healing

and transmutation.

如果你覺得壓力大, 擔心或恐懼時, 呼喚掌管美的大天使喬菲爾(Jophiel),

來提升你的思緒. 喬菲爾是個很棒的治療者.




Here is a powerful prayer: “Archangel Jophiel, I am giving you every care, worry, and concern, and asking that you

 infuse my thoughts and feelings with God’s love and peace. Please help me to see, feel, and experience Divine Light

right now. Please help me to let go and surrender this situation for my highest and best good. Please help to

ensure that my needs and my loved ones needs are met, and that we are safe, protected, and provided for. (If there’s

 anything specific that you need help with, say or think it here). Thank you God. Thank you Jophiel.” 

以下是個有力量的祈禱詞: "大天使喬菲爾, 我將所有的關注, 擔心和顧慮交托

給祢, 並請求祢將神的愛與寧靜融入我的思緒和感覺中. 請現在就幫助我看

到,感受到和體會到神聖的光明. 請幫助我釋放和臣服於這個情況以達到至高

的善. 請幫助我及我愛的人之所需都能夠得到滿足, 給我們平安, 保護和照顧 .

 (有甚麼想祈求的可以接著說 .) 感謝神. 感謝喬菲爾!

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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Life is to be treasured and cherished
2009/02/25 10:50


Life is to be treasured and cherished.  For people to live a life that’s stuck in the past superstitions or past ancestral glories, they are not living in the present; therefore they will face oblivion.  This is not to say life is not worth respect, but to self-destruct, being stubborn or close-mindedness is not worth any sympathy. 


2009/02/24 03:18


