The Rose
Some say love, it is a river 有人說 愛是一條潺潺的河水
that drowns the tender reed 它滋潤 秋日孤單柔弱的蘆葦
Some say love, it is a razor 有人說 愛像一把鋒利的剃刀
that leaves your soul to bleed 總有人 不小心被割傷而淌血
Some say love, it is a hunger 有人說 愛的渴望是源源不絕
an endless aching need 那怕是 永無止盡的痛徹心扉
I say love is a flower 我卻說 愛是一朵綻放的玫瑰
And you, it’s only seed 你的心 如種子般孕育著光輝
It’s the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
擔心粉身碎骨 永遠不能婆娑起舞
It’s the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance
害怕夢醒時分 無法領略五彩繽紛
It’s the one who won’t be taken
who can not seem to give
憂慮被人辜負 不懂如何去付出
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live
畏懼死亡的靈魂 生命只剩一息尚存
When the night has been too lonely 夜晚如此地寂寞不堪
And the road has been too long 道路如此地漫長孤單
And you think that love is only 或許你認定與愛無緣
for the lucky and the strong 自己不夠幸運與強悍
Just remember in the winter 要記得僅管冬天嚴寒
Far beneath the bitter snow 大地被冰雪層層覆蓋
lies the seed That with the sun’s love 種子蘊涵著陽光的愛
in the spring becomes the rose 在春天綻放明豔盛開
或許 我應讓過去的舊傷離去
我可以修改人生的路線 並且遵循那條道路
我可以與內在的自我聯繫 從我個人的中心看世界
未來只是一場夢 現在是所有我可以影響的