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2011/08/20 16:04:35瀏覽820|回應0|推薦2 | |
馬爾巴上師口訣曲-載自密勒日巴道歌 Guru Marpa's oral instructions to Milarepa from Milarepa's Song of Realization 最勝依靠為佛陀 The greatest refuge is the Buddha 最佳伴侶為信心 The best companion is faith 最惡妖魔為妄念 The worst demon is discursive thoughts 最厲惡鬼為我慢 The most menacing devil is pride 最大罪業為毀謗 The most serious crime is slander 行道大障為嫉妒 The biggest obstacle to the dharma path is jealousy 少作無義之言行 Do not engage in meaningless talk and act 不依四力行懺悔,流轉六道無了期 If you do not confess according to the four forces You will wander endlessly in samsara 若不積聚福資糧,解脫妙樂不可得。 If you do not accumulate merits The bliss of liberation cannot be gained 若不斷除十惡業,必受餓趣之極苦。 If you do not cut through the ten defilements For sure you will suffer the pains of the lower realms 不修空性及大悲,究竟佛果不能得。 If you do net practice emptiness and compassion Ultimate realization cannot be attained 若欲即身成佛位,無散專一觀自心。 If you wish to attain buddhahood in this life time You must without distraction observe your mind 密續了義之精華,六法攝盡應勤修。 To understand the essence of Tantra You must diligently practice the six yogas of Naropa
究竟口訣之精華,應修密乘方便道。 To realize the ultimate meaning of oral instructions You must practice the skillful means of the Vajrayana
若求利養與承事,終將成為魔眷屬。 If you pursue the comforts of material goods and servants You will surely become the devil’s followers 若行自讚與毀他,必墮恐怖之險處。 If you brag about yourself and slander others You will surely fall into the fathoms of horrifying danger 不能調伏狂亂心,語句口訣有何用? If you cannot tame this wild mind of yours What use are teachings and oral instructions ? 因地發心極緊要,空見無生最殊勝。 The purity of the motivation is most important It is truly remarkable to realize unborn emptiness 密法修觀深邃故,應修氣脈明點道。 The practice of tantric insight is most profound So you should practice prana yoga 俱生智慧應爭取 Primordial wisdom must be forcefully sought 殊勝上師勤依止 Great gurus must be persistently relied on 自心無生應徹觀,人壽易盡莫蹉跎。 The unborn mind must be thoroughly investigated Life easily fades ,do not idle away your time 勿求輪迴短暫樂,苦痛亦有利益面! Do not pursue the brief pleasures of samsara Sufferings also have their beneficial side! 明心即是成佛道,廣聞多為有何益? Clarity of the mind is the attainment of buddhahood What good can worldly knowledge have? 百千法師縱聚議,難說較此更勝法, Thousands of dharma teachers have gathered for discussion Nothing can exceed this method 汝應依此善修持。 Therefore you should practice in earnest accordingly |
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