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2011/07/13 14:06:19瀏覽462|回應0|推薦2

Master Padma said: For all who can practice the Dharma there are ten facts.
The lady asked: What are they?

The master said: When the presence of the Buddha's teachings coincides with a person's attainment of a human body, it is a fact that he has gathered the accumulations in former lives.

When a person who has interest in the Dharma and a master who possesses the oral instructions meet, it is a fact that this is like a blind man finding a wish-fulfilling jewel.

When the attainment of the complete human body coincides with having faith and intelligence, it is a fact that your karmic continuity of former training has awakened.

When you are rich and at the same time met with beggars, it is a fact that the time has come to perfect generosity.

When the lake of misery overflows while you try to engage in spiritual practice, it is a fact that your evil karma and obscurations are being purified.

If you meet with uncaused enmity while trying to turn your mind to the Dharma, it is a fact that this is a guide to lead you on the path of patience.

When your understanding of the impermanence of conditioned things and your possession of perfect faith coincide with receiving the profound instructions, it is a fact that the time has come to turn your mind away from the life of a worldly person.

When your fear of dying coincides with the death of another person, it is a fact that the time has come for exceptional faith to arise.

In any case, if you first try to accomplish worldly pursuits and plan to engage in Dharma practice later on, it is amazing if you will find the chance to do so!Thus only few are liberated from samsara.

《Dakini Teachings》Padmasambhava’s oral instrctions to Lady Tsogyal蓮師開示十真實事 (Ten Facts) · 1 / 1

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