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2016/01/03 20:23:06瀏覽452|回應0|推薦10





Fly together

    During my mother in law’s mouring, her dentist also passed away at the same time whose wife smiled and said: you see, up in the tree, there is a pair of flying sparrows,tweeting happily, just like they did before.

   Since then, I started to look at the tree branch and found that no matter sunny, rainy; morning, evening, a pair of sparrows tweeting on the branch.

    Such a beautiful story reminds me of the movie "Life is Beautiful", father wove a beautiful story for the horrors of life , winner was the real tank. It helped the kid conquer the honor and let his son survive.

    Dentist’s wife just like the father in the movie, the sparrow is a beautiful blessing, let's face the fear of lost, fear is more difficult to face than death, and wish they both have a wonderful Déjà vu in their afterlife . 






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