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2010/06/17 18:54:18瀏覽506|回應0|推薦3 | |
據權威英國《金融時報》調查:全球 25 個國家的1000位 CEO 、基金經理認為:微軟仍是最受尊敬的公司,並在企業創新、投資價值兩項中排名第一。 調查結果發現:商界舵手最重要的表現,是越來越注重領導的創新能力。 在企業增長方面的突出表現,是穩中求勝的理念轉而改為主動出擊的新思維。 今天的比爾•蓋茨成為最受尊敬的商界領袖,其地位和影響力僅次于世界管理學之父杜拉克。 蓋茨先生在一次講話中,語重心長地講了他的十條忠告,相信會對大家有所啟發。 蓋茨的十條 " 金口玉言" (1) 社會充滿不公平現象。你先不要想去改造它,只能先適應它。 (因為你管不了它 )。 (2) 世界不會在意你的自尊,人們看的只是你的成就。 在你沒有成就以前,切勿過分強調自尊。 (因為你越強調自尊,越對你不利 )。 (3) 你只是中學畢業,通常不會成為 CEO,直到你把 CEO 職位拿到手為止。 (直到此時,人們才不會介意你只是中學畢業 ) 。 (4) 當你陷入人為困境時,不要抱怨,你只能默默地吸取教訓。 (你要悄悄地振作起來,重新奮起 ) 。 (5) 你要懂得:在沒有你之前,你的父母並不像現在這樣 "乏味 "。 你應該想到,這是他們為了撫養你所付出的巨大代價。 ( 你永遠要感恩和孝敬他們,才是硬道理 )。 (6) 在學校裡,你考第幾已不是那麼重要,但進入社會卻不然。 不管你去到哪里,都要分等排名。 (社會、公司要排名次,是常見的事,要鼓起勇氣競爭才對 ) 。 (7) 學校裡有節假日,到公司打工則不然,你幾乎不能休息,很少能輕鬆地過節假日。 (否則你職業生涯中一起跑就落後了,甚至會讓你永遠落後 ) 。 (8) 在學校,老師會幫助你學習,到公司卻不會。 如果你認為學校的老師要求你很嚴格,那是你還沒有進入公司打工。 因為,如果公司對你不嚴厲,你就要失業了。 (你必須清醒地認識到:公司比學校更要嚴格要求自己 )。 (9) 人們都喜歡看電視劇,但你不要看,那並不是你的生活。 只要在公司工作,你是無暇看電視劇的。 (奉勸你不要看,否則你走上看電視連續劇之路,而且看得津津有味,那你將失去成功的資格 ) ( 10 )永遠不要在背後批評別人,尤其不能批評你的老板無知、刻薄和無能。 ( 因為這樣的心態,會使你走上坎坷艱難的成長之路 )。 這 10條金科玉律般的職工座右銘,我建議作為職工必讀的經典之作。 要把它張貼在自己工作生活的牆上,經常閱讀反省,對我們大有好處。 比爾•蓋茨之成為最受尊敬的人,成為近十年 "世界首富",恐怕一個重要道理正在於此。 大家放眼望去會發現:大凡成功者,在談到成功時,很少談 "做事",而都在講 "做人"。 因為不會做人,就不會做事,就會走上無為的一生,或走上大起大落坎坷艱難的不歸之路。 著名經濟學 家茅于軾 先生說:『要在三四十歲思考人生,七老八十再想用處就不大了。』 人,出生入死要深思!才是大道理。 大家放眼望去會發現: 大凡成功者在談到成功時, 很少談『做事』, 而都在講『做人』。 因為不會做人, 就不會做事, 就會走上無為的一生 ... Bill Gates's life 10 reasons Bill Gates's life 10 ─ ─ the world's most respected management, "business leaders" of the life experience Gates of the industry's position after Drucker. According to the authoritative British "Financial Times" survey: 25 countries in 1000 CEO, fund managers think: Microsoft was still the most respected companies, and innovation in the enterprise, the investment value of the two was ranked first. The survey found that: helmsman of the most important business performance, is increasingly focused on innovation and leadership ability. Outstanding growth in business performance is Riding out to take the initiative to turn the concept of new thinking. • Today's Bill Gates to become the most respected business leaders, their status and influence after the father of the world's Management Drucker. Mr. Gates in a speech, speaking earnestly of his 10 advice, I believe we will be inspired. Gates 10 "Chrysostom Yu Yan" (1) society is full of injustice. Do not you want to transform it, and can only adapt to it. (Because you can stop it). (2) the world does not care about your self-esteem, people see only your accomplishments. You do not have success in the past, do not over-emphasize self-esteem. (Because the more you emphasize self-esteem, the more against you). (3) you just graduated from high school, usually do not become CEO, the CEO position until you get hands up. (Until now, people will not mind if you're just high school graduation). (4) When you get into human predicament, do not complain, you can only learn in silence. (You have to pick ourselves up and quietly re-rise). (5) You need to know: before without you, your parents not like so "boring." You should have thought that this was their to support you pay a high price. (You will never be grateful and honor them, is the last word). (6) In school, you test the first of several longer that important, but into the community is not. No matter where you go, should classification rankings. (Community, company to the position, is a common thing, to the courage to compete Caidui). (7) schools have holidays, to the company's employees are not, you almost can not rest easy too rarely holidays. (Otherwise, you run on with his career behind, and even make you never backward). (8) in the school, the teacher will help you learn, the company is not. If you think your teacher asked you a very strict, that you do not have access to company employees. Because if the company you're not tough, you have a job. (You must clearly understand: the company is more strict requirements than the school itself). (9) people like to watch TV, but you should not see, that is not your life. As long as the company, you are too busy watching the drama. (We advise you not see, or you take the road to watch TV series, and seen with relish, then you will lose the eligibility of success) (10), never criticizing others behind their backs, in particular, can not criticize your boss, ignorance, mean and incompetent. (Because of this attitude, make you take a difficult one for the growth of the Road). These 10 workers as the motto of the golden rule, I recommend as a must-read classic of workers. It should be posted on the wall in their working life, often reading reflection, good for us. • Bill Gates to become the most respected people in recent years to become "the world's richest man", probably an important reason is this. We looked around will find: Almost all successful, in talking about success, rarely talk about "things" and are talking about "life." Because no man, would not work, will take the life of inaction, or embark on the difficult road of no return rocky ups and downs. Well-known economist Mao Yushi, said: 『to think about life in the 34-year-old, Qilaobashi think of not much use. 』 People, highlighted the danger to ponder! Is the major principles. We looked around will find: Almost all successful in talking about success, Views on the little things 』, And are talking about a man 』『. Because no man, Will not work, Life will go inactive ... from website |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |