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you are the gap of my life revised by emma
2010/05/10 10:37:40瀏覽351|回應0|推薦0

You are the gaps of my life 

 I can’t predict the destiny of tomorrow.

But I can predict the destiny of today

that is I will love your for ever and ever to accomplish my self

You can choose not to love me, but it’s my freedom to love you.

You can choose not to answer, but to wait for you is my freedom.

You can chooee to look down upon me, but I have the freedom to ignore you

You can choose to attack me, but I have the freedom to strengthen my soul

For you are the gap of my life to push me

to flow into the entrance of more humble,

more diligent ocean.


after reading this blog. it enlightened me to add something...

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( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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