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2009/08/23 12:40:46瀏覽430|回應0|推薦0 | |
短暫的過客 分享血濃於水的台灣情 孩子嚐著新加坡的餅乾 離愁寫不上心裏 無限好奇在眼底 恬淡的 在心裏刻下 重逢的未來 Kymie mom: An-chi ..午睡有蓋被子嗎? An-Chi:我沒有自己蓋被子 ...老師幫我蓋被子.. An-chi:我有玩具在新加坡... Kymie mom gave An-chi two minutes to adjust new setting after third times.... An-chi wiped up her tears..and sat with other kids.... on the second day when Sorry's little boy Yuan-Yuan came along with her She became a big sis and invited Yuan to sit beside her and took good care of him almost forgot her own fragile heart.... |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |