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2009/07/22 19:26:07瀏覽460|回應0|推薦1 | |
Dear F: 最近太忙亂 雖好久前就在盤算如何來個有創意的祝賀 但實在不是個浪漫的人 自然也沒啥好點子 所以只剩下最簡單的方式 雖然先傳了簡訊 但是彷彿記得曾收到信說你換電話號碼了 (當時以為那是你的信箱被盜用了 就直接刪除) 所以還是務必讓你收到我最誠摯的祝福 祝你時時刻刻日日年年都得自在與幸福 下面這些真的都是蛋糕 在這屬於你的閃耀日子裡 就請你自己挑一個吧 H.F. Dear H.F. 昨天和M.R.分享生命中的不堪 總是有些不可逃避的沉重 被揀選的責任 有些時後又不得不肩負 些時又加些自信不足 常想逃 在撕扯中 丟些情緒給好友 繼續向前 有些時後 總覺自己無所告慰親友 但在一無所有的思緒中 妳們溫暖的支持 總叫我在涕淚中 再重生 感激感動感恩 生命中這35年際遇 f Dear F: http://picasaweb.google.com/pinglin.tsai/jXbqMJ Dear P.L thank you..i choose this one..and i post here for ever and ever this makes me feel peaceful..and deep simple... thank you...priceless. f My Dearest, I know I'm a day early, but I just can't wait...Happy Birthday !!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Funny! Happy Birthday to you! seriously... i love you I love you I LOVE YOU!!! T.F. Deareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest! sweet...touched... it's just a trivial, nothing day but you make it sooooooooooooo special... beyond words love your sensitive thought, your dedicate attitude and your sincere mind if good friend is another me then you must my best side of me love f Hi D.D.M., Tomorrow is your birthday. I wish you all the best. Happy Birthday ~~ Your D. D. Dear D.D. werid..your mom's birthday greeting didn't win my tears. but you did maybe touched by your true youngest heart that i have lost for a long time and you, dear D.D... you remind me sooooooooooooooooo touhced.. love D.M. Dear F Teacher: so great to work with you. it's a great honor. thank you for dnduring my attitude and wish book publishing running well. enclosed please find a little notebook to keep reminding you everything is in order. love Alice Dear Alice: so touched for waht you have done. and thank you for enduring a lousy , but hardworking teacher. f |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |