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【非逛不可】Brevi兒童汽車安全座椅Alain i-Size-本周活動折扣中-結婚送禮推薦
2020/09/03 03:08:49瀏覽50|回應0|推薦0



價格,最後選購了Brevi兒童汽車安全座椅Alain i-Size









Brevi Child Car Seat Alain i-Size 設計式樣: Melange Grey · 2019

The 360° rotatable Brevi Alain child car seat which is certified according to the i-size standard, provides your little one with the best protection and comfort on all trips.

Height/ weight category:

  • For children with a body height from 40 cm up to 105 cm

  • Age suitability: from birth up to about 4 years

Corresponds to standard:

  • ECE R129 - i-size

Installing the car seat in your vehicle is done easily by using the Isofix connectors and a support foot for extra stability. No matter on which side of the vehicle you wish to install the Alain i-Size - with the help of the visual control system, you can always feel reassured that the child car seat is fastened correctly and securely. During their first months, your little passenger has to travel in a rear-facing mode. The individually removable seat reducer ensures optimum seating comfort and support while additional head pads protect the sensitive head of your little one. As your child grows taller, you can detach the seat reducer at any time and thus create a comfortable place for your child to relax on short and long trips alike.

When adjusting the headrest, the harness adapts accordingly to the height of your child. The soft shoulder and belt pads, as well as the double padding of the seat, make it super comfortable for your little passenger to sit in the seat. A special highlight is the possibility to rotate the child car seat by 360°. There is no easier way to put your child into the Alain i-Size and lift them out again.

If you wish to install the child car seat in a forward-facing mode, you can do so from a weight of 13 kg (or else from a body height of 75 - 87 cm) and simply by turning the Alain i-Size on the base. You can adjust the recline position of the child car seat in two different levels irrespective of its driving direction.

Maximum safety, convenient handling, and great 360° rotating comfort - the Brevi Alain i-Size child car seat is an indispensable companion!


  • 人氣產品過年送禮推薦
  • Including removable seat insert and additional headrest

  • Rotation on the base by 360° possible

  • Installation in rear-facing mode: from a body height of 40 cm up to a maximum weight of 13 kg

  • Installation in forward-facing mode: from a weight of 13 kg (corresponds to a height of 75-87 cm) up to a height of 105 cm and maximum body weight of 19 kg

  • Installation via Isofix connectors and support foot, visual control system

  • Side impact protection

  • Simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness

  • 5-point harness with belt and shoulder pads, anti-slip pads

  • 2 seat positions (forward-facing and rear-facing mode)

  • Dimensions: H 62 x W 45.5 x D 64 cm

  • Weight: 14 kg




Brevi兒童汽車安全座椅Alain i-Size

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20惡煞怒嗆連千毅 警速逮7人送辦


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