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BabyBjörn Highchair 設計式樣: Türkis · 2018

Nowadays in the stressful time eating meals together with the whole family is an important event and valuable time for all. The better it is that your little sweetheart is provided with the BabyBjörn highchair which ensures that s/he can enjoy their meals together with you at the table.

The highchair has been developed in close collaboration with parents and paediatricians and is suitable for your little one from an age of approx. 6 months (as soon as your darling is able to sit unaided) up to an age of approx. 3 years (max. body height 95 cm). The highchair can also be adapted to the current size of your growing child.

Thanks to the embracing, curved backrest your child can sit upright and in a comfortable way. The adjustable, shell-shaped table top can be used as tray or safety bar which prevents your little one from standing up or dropping out. You don't even need to secure your child with a safety-belt and the two-level safety lock cannot be opened neither by your sweetie nor by older siblings. Due to the highchair's special shape, it is particularly easy for you to put your child in the seat and lift him out of it again. The table top of the high chair features a smooth surface and has no slits or cracks in which leftovers could be stuck - that way, you can easily wipe it clean by using a damp cloth. Furthermore, the table top is positioned close to your little one's belly which prevents leftovers from falling onto its lap. The table top is dishwasher-safe. All these features make the BabyBjörn highchair stand out as a very hygienic companion.

The materials used for this highchair (plastic and varnished steel) is easy-to-care, resilient and durable as well as PVC-free and BPA-free. Due to its space-saving shape and convenient handling you can fold and store the highchair in a quick and easy way. That way, your little one is provided with a safe and comfortable seat wherever you go. Please make sure that the safety lock is always closed properly before your child is put into the seat. Furthermore, you should never leave your child sitting in the chair unattended or without supervision. That way, you can feel reassured that your little one is safe so that you can enjoy having all your meals together.


  • Suitable for babies and infants from approx. 6 months up to an age of 3 years (max. body height 95 cm)

  • Childproof, two-level safety-lock

  • Curved backrest which embraces the body of your child

  • Adjustable, easy-to-clean (safety) tray

  • Smooth surface without slits or cracks in which leftovers could be stuck

  • Resilient, durable materials, PVC-free and BPA-free

  • Weight: approx. 5 kg

  • Weight during use: 83 cm

  • Height/width/depth folded: 50 x 44 x 25 cm

  • Effortless installation without any tools




BabyBjorn 餐椅





女兒抱怨媽偏心 梁佑南陸元琪有話說





一名網友帶好友和有意追求者一起聚餐吃燒烤,到底該由誰付錢,讓她看清人性。(示意圖)聯合報系資料照 分享 facebook 一頓飯該由誰付錢?往往可以看出人性。一名女網友表示,一名想追求她的男士主動約她吃飯,女性密友得知後,也想趁機見見這位男士。原本已選好餐廳,女性密友改挑了間不便宜的燒烤店,整個餐費約4000元,結帳時男生沒有動作,女網友只好先買單,密友卻說「怎會你出」,場面超尷尬。文章貼出後,網友紛紛批評原PO「沒事幹嘛帶個豬隊友」。一名女網友在《批踢踢實業坊》「男孩女孩板」PO文,一位在新竹工作的男士有意追求,相約吃飯,自己的女性好友也想同行見見這位男士,在徵詢男方同意後,女網友的好友捨棄原本選好的餐廳,改挑了間價格不便宜的燒烤店。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 當天,女網友和好友先到點了些餐點,男方稍後抵達時說「這很貴吧?台北物價不便宜,這頓吃下來要3000吧」,女網友心想「頂多我們公出」,畢竟朋友是自己帶來的,不好意思要男方出錢,最後整餐飯共花費了4000元。結帳時,女網友見男方沒有動作,就自己先買單了,此時,好友卻冒出一句「怎會你出?」場面頓時尷尬,女網友表示沒關係,男方就立刻在她耳邊說「今天你出,下次我請你。」聚餐結束後,好友一直批評男方沒風度,認為男方就應該出餐費,怎麼可以讓女方出錢?還痛罵女網友「笨死了」。女網友回應好友,「我帶你去吃,男方也不認識妳,我怎好意思要男生出?餐廳也是你挑的,真的不便宜呀。」上網提問自己是否真的不該出這筆錢?到底怎麼做比較好?文章貼出後,引來一片罵聲。網友首先把箭頭指向網友的女友人,「吃人夠夠」、「超級豬隊友」,網友也質疑原PO為何要帶好友去,還讓她挑餐廳,是不是自己也想把追求者當盤子。女網友解釋,是友人一直吵著要同行,臨時改了自己原本挑好的餐廳,還訂了位…。也因為這頓飯,讓原PO發現和友人的觀念差很多,朋友要慎選,兩人已經不聯絡了;至於有意追求的男士,隔天也有意再約見面,只是自己覺得尷尬,已放生了。此外,網友發現原PO在七月底時曾回應PO文,表示目前有位交往一年的男友,現在卻跟有意追求者搞曖昧?!質疑她「有男友還要放線凹人」,對此,女網友未回應?

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