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2014/02/15 23:58:05瀏覽1165|回應1|推薦158 | |
一, 在Google壯大自己 Glorified in Google
步入谷割王朝 Strolling into the dynasty of Google 誰 Who 不被征服 Wouldn’t be conquered 他簡潔的稟報自己 Simply puts in himself to be called 天庭卻傳來他姓名的應答 Sky answers with replies on his name 一聲 One time 十聲 Ten times 千百聲 Hundreds of thousands of times 聲勢浩大 Volumes of overwhelming
二, 夜深!有熊出沒! Darken Night! Beware of Bear!
夜色 The darkness of night 按下時間開關 Flips on switch of time 點亮滿天星空 A starry sky is lit 微光下 Dimming on 以木紋平台為獵場的一隻老黑熊 An old black bear scouting a wood-textured platform as his hunting ground 頂著一頭稀疏的毛髮 Thinning hairs scattered over his head 翻找一堆隔夜剩餘的精神食糧 Searching thru last night’s leftovers for spiritual nourishment 倘若夜深人靜不巧遇著 If the night is deep enough to meet an accident 請勿爬樹不必裝死 No need to climb trees nor to play dead please 迷失在詩的森林裡一年 Getting lost in a forest of poetry a year 他已喪失狩獵的技巧 His skills of hunting have already gone
的風采.再次感謝紙聲兄的隆情厚意! |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |