- 1. 提高全球認知用藥錯誤和危險行為造成用藥傷害的花費高,並倡議採取緊急行動,來改善用藥安全。
- 2. 讓關鍵獲利者和合作夥伴參與預防用藥錯誤,和減少用藥傷害相關工作。
- 3. 激勵患者和家屬積極參與安全用藥。
- 4. 擴大實踐世界衛生組織全球患者安全挑戰:無傷害用藥。
Objectives of World Patient Safety Day 2022:
- 1. RAISE global awareness of the high burden of medication-related harm due to medication errors and unsafe practices, and ADVOCATE urgent action to improve medication safety.
- 2. ENGAGE key stakeholders and partners in the efforts to prevent medication errors and reduce medication-related harm.
- 3. EMPOWER patients and families to be actively involved in the safe use of medication.
- 4. SCALE UP implementation of the WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication Without Harm.
參考自World Patient Safety Day 2022. https://reurl.cc/pZ1lGl