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1/2/2013 創造宇宙與人類:創世記1-2章
2013/01/08 10:23:25瀏覽86|回應0|推薦0

1/2/2013 創造宇宙與人類

經文:        創世記12

中心思想:      創世紀2425


        聖經最前面的兩章以「起初」為開始, 第一章簡明扼要的敘述上帝創造萬物的始末, 最重要的就是人類的被造,第二章則詳實細膩描寫了第六天的情形。 從這些細節顯示出人是如何按照上帝的形像被造── 男人從地上的塵土、女人由男人的肋骨。 至此人類歷史已經佈置妥當,角色也劃分清楚, 這齣可歌可泣的歷史劇於是開幕了!








        「當一切方法都失效的時候, 就順著原有的方向前進吧!」 這個遲來的忠告是以放諸四海皆準的萬有引力為根據。 萬有引力是一個經過精心設計的原理:「 凡事按照它被造的方式進行,就會順利和諧:否則不順甚至停頓。」 上帝是設計的主宰,祂創造海洋、天空和陸地; 之後又造適合每一種環境的生物,所以你發現鳥不能潛水, 魚不能爬樹是毫不足奇的。
        同樣的道理,在宇宙天地間,大至太陽系, 小至荒漠中的花朵,都是為人類和人類的幸福而設計的。根據設計, 丈夫是家庭的頭,妻子是他的助手,這樣的設計一旦遭到破壞, 立刻後患連連:依設計而行,則一切都和諧美滿了!
        拿出一張紙, 試試看用多少方法可以完成下列的句子:「依照上帝的設計,我是_ _________。」(如果你寫出一個到三個答案, 這真是個好的開始;如果有四個到七個答案,可以名列「 聖經才子榜」:至於八個或八個以上,那麼你簡直就是個設計師了! )若是你苦思不得,不妨查考詩篇一三九篇十四節: 哥林多前書十一章三節:以弗所書二章十節: 五章二十一到六章九節:提多書二章十四節, 或許能從這些經文中得到一些靈感。藉著上帝的幫助, 你可以達到一切上帝在創造你的時候對你的期許。


        英文聖經中的第一節, 只用十個字就回答了一般人最常問的四個問題:一、宇宙間有什麼? 二、怎麼存在的?三、是否有一個開始?四、誰掌管一切? 其實自有永有的上帝早已慈愛的提供了答案:(標準答案如下:一、 天和地:二、都是受造的:三、是的:四、上帝。)



1/2/2013 Six Days of Creation

Scriptures:       Genesis 1-2

Heart of the Passage:  Genesis 2:4-25


        The first two chapters of the Bible begin at "the beginning." Chapter 1 gives a concise overview of the progress of creation, climaxing in the creation of man. Chapter 2 takes a zoom-lens look at day six. There the details emerge of how God's-image-bearers were createdman from the dust of the ground and woman from his rib. The stage is set. the characters are in place, the drama can begin.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Six Days of Creation 

Sixth Day of Creation 



Your Daily Walk

        "When all else fails, follow the directions." That belated advice is based on a law as universal as gravitythe Law of Design, which states: "Things work well when they function according to the way they were designed; they work poorly (or not at all) when that design is violated." God, the Master Designer, made the water, sky, and land; then   He made creatures suited for each environment. So it should not surprise you to discover that birds make terrible submarines, or that fish have trouble climbing trees.
        The same design apparent in both solar system and desert flower is built into humans and their relationships. The husband is the head of the home; the wife is his helper by design. Violate the design and there's trouble. Follow it and there's harmony and fulfillment.
        Grab a sheet of paper and see how many ways you can complete this sentence: "By God's design, I am__________."; (1-3, good start; 4-7, borderline Bible genius; 8 or more, you must be a design engineer!). If you got stuck, consult Psalm 139:14; 1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 2:10; 5:21-6:9; Titus 2:14 for some help. With God's help, you can become all you were created to be!


Big Question, Bigger Answers  
        The first verse in the English Bible uses only 10 words to answer four of the most basic questions thinking individuals ever ask: (1) What is there? (2) How did it get there? (3) Did it have a teginning? (4) What or who is responsible? These answers have been graciously supplied by the only One who was there at the time. (The correct answers are: 1. The heaven and the earth; 2. It was all created; 3. Yes; 4. God.)


The creation is both a monument of Gods power and a looking glass in which we may see His wisdom.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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