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2009/08/23 01:33:37瀏覽258|回應0|推薦1


  每年的情人節  都不一樣  也有不同的場景  更有令人期待的驚喜  當然不是人人皆如此  也許一個人  也不錯呀 

  Valentine's  我想  每個人的感官也不一樣  他的好  有時不是一瞬間  而是長期培孕出的情感  我們都希望他是完美無缺的 多一點浪漫  多一點激情  多一點歡愉  多一點貼心等等  我想在這樣的氣氛下  很多人會失去理性吧    那也無仿  反正他都屬於你的   可以全心佔有她

  我們也曾有第ㄧ任情人  也許好  也許不好  但那可能會是很多人回憶最多的一次  當然也多一次情感的累積  多一次經驗值  沒有ㄧ個人在愛情的路上  無往不利  一次又一次  百折不擾  身經百戰   然後越挫越勇  最後才能嘗到豐碩的果實  但我們也常看到新聞  報紙  得不到你  就要毀了你  甚至同歸於盡  聽或是看  都覺得毛骨悚然  更別說  假使真的碰到會怎樣  不是嗎 

  人人抱著同理心  用真誠的心  去對待你的另一半  不管他是誰  他都值得你爲他付出  能在一起  畢竟不容易  往後的路還長  人生的旅途  是需要一個伴的  不管有沒有修成正果  我想都應該感激他  因為有他  讓你活的更堅強   因為有他  讓你活的更有尊嚴  也因為有他  讓妳們的愛情路  更穩定  也預祝  有情人終成眷屬      

(雙心石滬 插圖摘錄於澎湖觀光局)

         Happy valentine's day

           Lets Wait A While   

          演唱者: janet jackson

There's something I want to tell you
There's something I think that you should know
It's not that I shouldn't really love you
Let's take it slow
When we get to know each other
and we're both feeling much stronger
Then let's try to talk it over
Let's wait awhile longer
Remember that special night?
When all of the stars were shining bright
We made our first endeaveor to stay together
We made our very first promise
To love, to share and be real honest
But on that very first night
It wasn't quite right
Let's wait awhile before it's too late
Let's wait awhile, our love will be great

Let's wait awhile before we go too far
I didn't really know not to let all my feelings show
to save some for later so our love will be greater
You said you would always love me
Remember I said the same thing too
You don't have to be frightened with my love
Because I'll never give up on you
Let's wait awhile, before it's too late
You know, you can't rush love
Let's just take our time
Love's so good - sure I'll love will be there
Slow it down
I promise, I'll be worth the wait.




( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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