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Lithuania Sends Drone Jammers to Ukraine Following New Aid Plan
2024/05/16 11:11:07瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0

In its ongoing support to Ukraine, Lithuania has included drone-jamming equipment in its recent military aid package. This addition will further strengthen the extensive Lithuanian counter-unmanned aircraft systems already in use.

Various types of weaponry, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-drone equipment, and training and logistics support are part of the ministrys aid program for Ukraine, with unspecified capabilities.

Recently, the country made an official announcement regarding a generous assistance plan for Kyiv. This plan, totaling 200 million euros ($217 million), will be implemented over the next six years, until 2026.

The contribution of Lithuania and its allies in providing weapons and equipment has been crucial in Ukraines struggle for independence and in safeguarding the security of Europe, as stated by Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas drone jammer.

Continuing Support

Over the course of the Russo-Ukrainian war, Lithuania has contributed a substantial amount of aid to Ukraine, surpassing 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion). Impressively, the country has allocated 1.2 percent of its GDP towards this crucial endeavor signal jammer.

This organization has made substantial donations, including two Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, 36 Bofors L-70 anti-aircraft guns accompanied by ammunition, and 50 M113 armored carriers.

It was further disclosed that there are intentions to offer additional demining equipment, ammunition, and food rations to the country during the years 2024 and 2025.

In addition, it has set a goal to train roughly 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the completion of 2024.

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