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Countermeasures against illegally operating drones
2022/07/29 14:41:24瀏覽57|回應0|推薦0

  In recent years, traditional security system protection is mainly aimed at ground threats, resulting in increasingly prominent threats and harassment from air targets.

  For drones that are in an illegal flying state, they need to be reversed through detection and identification technology. At present, the drone GPS jammers mainly adopts four countermeasures.

  Intercept capture class

  Another countermeasure is interception and capture from the ground or air. The main methods are: nets, drones, eagles, etc. The use of launchers to catapult nets is more common, but this method has limited range for drones. In addition, large drones are used to capture small drones, large 8-axis drones are used to capture small drones, and there is a huge capture net below.

  However, this method is difficult to control, and small UAVs have advantages in flexibility, so they have not been widely used. Also, by training eagles, drones are captured and brought to designated areas. In order to intercept and capture drones, drones need to be within visual range, so their range is very limited. With the development of UAV obstacle avoidance technology, interception and capture will become more and more difficult.

  bait control

  Navigation signal decoy: For civilian UAVs equipped with satellite navigation terminals, by transmitting false navigation satellite signals, the UAV navigation terminal can be deceived and confused, so that it is positioned at the false position preset by the system. No-fly zone, home point deception, route deception, etc. can be achieved through satellite positioning signal decoys.

  Interference blocking class

  Jammer interference: It can effectively block the communication between the drone and the console, cut off the remote control signal, data transmission and image transmission signal of the drone, so that the drone enters a self-protection state after the signal is wifi blocker, so it can achieve forced landing or driving. The purpose of the drone.

  Navigation Signal Interference: Civilian drones typically use satellite navigation and positioning systems to locate themselves. By realizing navigation signal interference, the interference of drones can be blocked. After the drone loses its navigation signal, it cannot be accurately positioned, thus affecting the flight control system of the drone and limiting the flight of the drone.

  Acoustic interference: UAVs have an important component - gyroscopes, which can help UAVs perceive their own flight status. The drone maintains its own balance through feedback from gyroscopes and control systems. So if you can break the gyroscope working properly, the drone won't work properly.

  Destroy the class directly

  Missiles, laser weapons, microwave weapons, combat drones, conventional firepower, etc. can all conduct directional attacks on drones to achieve the purpose of directly destroying drones.

  However, this method requires high precision and high cost, as well as collateral damage due to drone crashes. Therefore, it is almost impossible to directly destroy UAVs in the civilian field.

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