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the biggest part of me...
2006/06/22 12:23:51瀏覽254|回應1|推薦6

the biggest part of me...

" (sunrise)
there's a new sun arisin'
(in your eyes)
I can see a new horizon
that will keep me realizin'
you're the biggest part of me

(stay the night)
need your lovin' here beside me
(shine the light)
need you close enough to guide me
(for all my life)
I've been hopin' you would find me
you're the biggest part of me

make a wish, baby
well, and I will make it come true
make a list, baby
of the things I'll do for you
ain't no risk, now,
in lettin' my love rain down on you,
so we could wash away the past,
so that we may start anew...

risin' over my shoulder,
(love flows)
gettin' better as we're older
(all I know)
all I want to do is hold him
he's the life that breathes in me ...

(beside me)
need your lovin' here beside me
(to guide me)
keep it close enough to guide me
(inside of me)
from the fears that are inside of me
you're the biggest part of me...
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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we are the...ambrosia...of each other
2006/06/22 16:41

without my beloved...ohyea is only...an existence of half

can be a whole...as long as... I am in the heart of my beloved

no wonder...life for me is meaningless..since

we were apart...alas...love bring us together

All my need is...to cherish my beloved...to see  my beloved

always...till...the end of the world!