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47_鄉村歌曲 - 西洋老式情歌-卡薩布蘭加CASABLANCA
2010/09/02 17:42:09瀏覽1294|回應1|推薦1

Bertie Higgins 貝蒂·希金斯


I fell in love with you 我墜入了愛河
Watching Casablanca 與你一起看《卡薩布蘭卡》時
Back row at the driven show 在露天汽車劇院後排
In the flickering light 搖曳的亮光中
Pop-corn and cokes 在星空下
Beneath the stars 可樂與玉米
Became champagne & caviar 彷彿香檳和魚子醬
Making love 漫長炎熱的夏夜裡
On the long hot summer’s night 愛意情長
I thought you fell in love with me 以為你也愛上了我
Watching Casablanca 與你一起看《卡薩布蘭卡》時
Holding hands beneath the paddle fan 電扇下雙手相擁
In Rick’s candle-lit cafe 在Rick咖啡店的燭光下
Hiding in the shadows from the spots 在探照燈照不見的燭光下
A rocky moonlight in your arms 灑在你臂彎中的月光
Making magic in the movie 在銀幕上演繹著神奇
In my old Chevrolet 躺在我舊雪弗萊車中
Oh a kiss is still a kiss 啊,《卡薩布蘭卡》中的親吻
In Casalcanca 纏綿依舊
A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh 失去你的嘆息, 溫情不再有


Please come back to me 回到我的身邊來
In Casablanca 隨著《卡薩布蘭卡》
I love you more & more each day 時光雖流逝
As time gose by 對你的愛戀卻與日俱增
I guess there are many broken hearts 我想,在卡薩布蘭卡
In Casablanca 一定會有許多破碎的心
You know I've never really been there 你知道我不曾到過那兒
So I don’t know 所以不得而知
I guess our love story will never be seen 我想,我倆的愛情故事永遠不會出現
On the big wide silver screen 在銀幕
But it hurt just as badly 但是,看著你離我而去
When I had to watch you go 我的心一樣痛楚
Oh a kiss is still a kiss 啊,《卡薩布蘭卡》中的親吻
In Casalcanca 纏綿依舊
A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh 失去你的嘆息, 溫情不再有
Please come back to me 回到我的身邊來
In Casablanca 隨著《卡薩布蘭卡》
I love you more & more each day 時光雖流逝
As time gose by 對你的愛戀卻與日俱增

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2011/03/23 06:25

