售價隨時會調整;特價有時效性,有需要的朋友動作要快!資訊彙集了評鑑文、開箱文、試用文、分享文、推薦文、哪裡買最便宜,優缺點的分析整理!下面是我的整理的資料;有▼RealFlow 2012 Standard 標準版 (下載)與其他同類值得參考的商品的推荐.▼RealFlow 2012 Standard 標準版 (下載)很多部落客都推薦說讚喔.網路價格隨時會異動,請以原網購平台資料為準!最近很多網友在問▼RealFlow 2012 Standard 標準版 (下載)哪裡買最便宜?到處比價;尋找低價及可靠的網購地方!終於找到最合適的.因為我自己也想要了解▼RealFlow 2012 Standard 標準版 (下載)到處尋找資訊做功課. 建議將本網站設為我的最愛,常來逛有便宜好康的訊息就可以看到喔!
5. RealFlow 2012 Standard 標準版(下載) 系統需求Windows(32-bitand64-bit)*WindowsXP,Vista,7orWindowsServer2008*2GHzIntelPentium4processor....
Windows(32-bit and 64-bit) * Windows XP, Vista, 7 or Windows Server 2008 * 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor, Athlon 64 AMD or better * 2GB RAM minimum. 4GB of RAM memory is recommended * Hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card * 400 MB available hard disk space for installation
Macintosh (32-bit and 64-bit) * Mac OSX 10.5 and up * Intel processor is required * 2GB RAM minimum. 4GB of RAM memory is recommended * Hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card * 1 GB available hard disk space for installation Please Note – RealFlow 5 GUI runs in 32 bit mode
Linux (64-bit only) * 64 bits distribution with a 2.6 Kernel and glibc 2.3.4 * 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor, Athlon 64 AMD or better * 2 GB RAM minimum. 4 GB of RAM memory is recommended * Hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card * 400 MB available hard disk space for installation