… …小紅帽提著媽媽準備的裝有甜酒和蛋糕的提籃,高高興興地出發去探望生病的外婆。
在森林小路上,小紅帽遇上了素不相識的大灰狼。天真的小紅帽與大灰狼攀談起來… …大灰狼狡猾地探明了小紅帽此行的目的和外婆家的位置,還佯裝好意地建議小紅帽先在林間採些花兒,外婆一定會更歡喜… …
大灰狼利用小紅帽採花的當兒,跑到林間深處的外婆家,把生病的外婆一口吞下,然後,大灰狼穿上外婆的衣衫軟帽和老花眼鏡,躺在床上等著小紅帽的到來… …
… …最終,小紅帽也被大灰狼吃到肚子里去了… …
不久,正在附近打獵的獵人和鄉民們聞訊都趕來了… …
── <格林童話> 德.格犁牧兄弟
﹡ ﹡ ﹡
"你這魔頭! 我從來不拿孩子下手! "
﹡ ﹡ ﹡
﹡ ﹡ ﹡
﹡ ﹡ ﹡
他的遺體很快被同伴們發現︰他的腿部被自己設下的機關卡住了,他的身軀被野獸們狠狠地咬噬得不成樣子… …
Random writing. Sechs.
by Reno Ong
"Mr. Wolf, please tell the jury why you have attempted to consume Ms. Red Riding Hood."
Mr. Wolf took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with a paw:
"I was hungry. I haven't eaten in days. What would you expect me to do? What would you expect anyone to do?"
"But, Mr. Wolf, you intended to murder Ms. Red Riding Hood in your pursuit to satisfy your hunger."
Mr. Wolf wore his glasses once more:
"There was nothing to eat in the forest, nothing. It was hunting season and the hunters left nothing alive. I had nothing to eat."
"But, Mr. Wolf, was that ever a reason for you to resort to murder?"
"I did what I did out of hunger, nothing more."
"It was aimed at murder, nonetheless, was it not, Mr. Wolf?"
"My act was not aimed at murder. My act was aimed at satisfying hunger, nothing more. I am not a murderer."
"But murder was an inevitable consequence, was it not, Mr. Wolf?
"Murder?", Mr. Wolf paused and finally pointed a finger at Mr. Hunter, who was sitting among the many onlookers:
"That man has killed more animals than I ever will in my entire lifetime. He is the one who should be sitting here. He should be the one on trial, not me."
Mr. Hunter immediately stood up and shouted in reply:
"You're the monster here! I would never lay a hand on a child!"
Slam. Slam.
"Order, order in the court! Will Mr. Hunter sit down and let the trial continue."
Mr. Hunter sat back down.
"Mr. Wolf, please remind everyone why you are here."
Mr. Wolf raised an eyebrow:
"Why am I here? I sit here, accused of a crime that has been blown out of proportion. I sit here, accused of being a monster, when the only crime I have ever committed was one of desperation, not malice. That man, that man who has killed not only out of necessity but also out of pleasure, that man has dared to bring me to court and charge me with the crime of monstrosity. Who is the real monster here: the one who kills out of need, or the one who kills regardless of that need?"
"No further questions, your honor."
* * *
"The jury has found Mr. Wolf guilty of attempted murder and numerous other malicious acts."
"The jury has spoken. Mr. Wolf is hereby sentenced to death by hanging."
Mr. Wolf stood up and spat on the judge:
"Your laws have made you blind and your self-proclaimed superiority has skewed your perception of justice. I shall die a victim of your idiocy. May my death coincide with the death of your misguided ways."
* * *
Mr. Wolf was put to death at 3:38pm the next day. His body remained hanging in the public square until it was taken down a few hours later.
* * *
Mr. Hunter was killed a week later in a hunting accident.
His body was soon discovered by fellow hunters: his leg was caught in his own trap and his body was viciously mangled by wild animals.