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【優惠網站】Avent 嬰兒監聽器 DECT,附夜間投影燈 SCD 585-26 人氣產品排行榜熱門產品
2019/01/06 09:47:37瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0


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AVENT Baby Monitor DECT with Starry Sky Projector SCD585/26

The stylish and chic baby monitor by Avent provides first-time parents with a secure connection to their little one.

The great starry sky projector will make your baby's heart beat faster. The colourful sky that is projected on the wall or ceiling of your little one's nursery contributes to peaceful nights and a restful sleep.

Another highlight of AVENT's baby monitor DECT is the mp3-Plug&Play with which parents can play their baby's favourites songs and thus make him or her feel even more comfortable and safe when lying in their bed.

Featuring a range of up to 330 meters, the baby monitor always keeps you close to your baby. A comforting nightlight as well as gentle lullabies calm your little one so that s/he can fall asleep faster. If your baby gets restless during the night, you can switch on the nightlight and the lullabies by clicking a button on the parent unit. The Avent baby monitor SCD585/26 also features a convenient two-way communication function. Sometimes all your baby needs, is the calming sound of your voice.

An interference-free transmission is particularly important. The DECT technology ensures data encryption and thus provides a secure and private connection - that way, you can be sure that you are the only one that can hear your baby. Every giggle, chuckle or hiccough of your child can be heard in a crystal-clear sound quality.

By using the unique ECO mode, you can easily reduce the transmission performance. That way, you can save energy and increase battery life.

Monitor the room temperature and humidity in your baby's room. A combined temperature and humidity sensor informs you via the display as soon the room temperature in your little one's room has changed.

More flexibility is provided by the rechargeable parent unit which ensures a long operating time of up to 25 hours before it requires recharging.

Other additional features such as setting an optimal volume, an alert signal when you get out of range or when the batteries run low or the visual noise level display in your child's room turn the Avent baby monitor into an indispensable companion that helps you master everyday life with your little one easily.


  • Absolutely interference-free due to DECT technology

  • Range up to 330 meters

  • Starry sky projection

  • Comforting night light and mp3-Plug&Play

  • Automatic energy saving smart ECO mode

  • Safety with crystal clear sound

  • Parent unit with LED lights for displaying noises and alert signal

  • Adjustable volume

  • Two-way communication

  • Monitoring of temperature and humidity in baby's room

  • More flexibility due to 25-hours operation time




Avent 嬰兒監聽器 DECT,附夜間投影燈 SCD 585/26





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33歲的莫德里奇(Luka Modric)贏得2018年金球獎。效力義甲聯賽祖文特斯隊(Juventus)的「C羅」羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo)是去年金球獎得主,今年居次。

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新台幣午盤升3.8分 暫收30.755元



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