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Cherry Cheers~~Cherish (補Cherry 姐妹包相見)
2013/12/04 21:44:38瀏覽380|回應0|推薦0



I just finished sewing a Cherry bag, leather inside. I can put in a A4 size sewing book.

really nice..it goes with my outfit in winnter.

i kept this cherry fabric for a long time, almost 3 years...

i remebered i gave half of cherry fabric to Ms JuJu, she made the bag two years ago,

see below Cherry basket bag on the screen..


i do not like any pattern, just follow my heart through hands..i never use ruler to measure or cut fabric, just use my mind....

i just like to have a relaxing time, cherish my sewing moment  and felt gratitutful from sew much Love....

Cherish my son...he like to take night school, that can reduce my loading..

Cherish with sisters. a simple cup of tea...we have so much to talk about..and full of fun with sisters.

cherish with jojo, she taught me "Please help me"  . 

cherish my bodyshape, recently workout keep me in good shape..

cherish my lovely garden.....i enjoy stretch out my leg under the warming sunlight with my lovely roses....

Gratitude brings freedom from envy

because when you are gratituful for what you have,

you are not consumed with something more.


Gratitude connects to natual world, beauty of nature.



( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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