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in毛毛大衣+毛毛背心+毛毛圍脖 Furry Nina
2016/12/15 18:31:55瀏覽816|回應0|推薦22


 1) 毛毛大衣 Furry Coat



用我老公gap 外套當版整屋的毛


新竹巨城看到這。跟老公說 這我會車三二下就好 不用買

I sewed my own furry coat, i took my husband Gap jacket as pattern to sew the oversized coat. it's saving me time and paper to draw another pattern. 

yes i sewed myself as a furry cat. (bottom left picture my furry cat)

sewing idea was from window shopping in deparment store, i saw this furry coat priced 2990. I told my husband it only cost me 299 ntd within half hour to sew my own coat. 


2) 毛毛背心 furry vest

then i sewed furry vest too. as i can wear the furry vest inside the oversized furry coat.

毛毛背心也車好了 穿在毛毛大衣內別隻喵頭就ok 了 no zipper



3) 毛毛圍脖

i used left over furry fabric to " cut" a scarf. it only require cut a 10cm inside the fabric will do.







turn my own sweater skirt into swetaer hat, fleece fabric serged a scraf



( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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