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Fleece dress + Legging
2016/12/12 19:28:42瀏覽510|回應0|推薦6



 Fleece textures like non woven I made it draped and turn sporty fleece to causal dress, matching perfectly with fleece leggings

 布不夠 只好車腰頭




Polyester fleece


「小姐你在新竹布店訂購的雷絲布早已了中壢店 (其實已放了幾個月 過了夏季懒得拿)我們現在毛料布有特價哦」。好好好下班去拿 ..於是


One day in office, i received a phone call from Fabric shop in ChungLi, "Ms Chiu, you ordred lace fabric in Hsin Chu has been in our fabric shop for few weeks. "

"Oh.." (well. i bought this lace for summer dress but now it's getting cold.

" We got some wool fabrics on sales "

"Ok, I will pick up the fabric tonight"

Then I bought a lot of wool fabrics and others big discouted fabrics...Ha..

( I visited store not for shopping clothing but get idea of sewing..here is the one I like to sew..this coat price 2990. ntd..I told my husband I can buy fabric within 300ntd and sew a lovely one)

( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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