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鬆鼠dress. (肉鬆了的鬆 5 layers of fat on my waist now)
2016/11/02 19:25:28瀏覽250|回應0|推薦0

 快冬至了再一件。短一點 寛一點可以內搭素長T

搭lace 外套 好好看



Oh. I found my own looks now as I put 5kg this year ..i lost my shape and confidence of dress...Now NaNa sewing help me find Nina..great..





Expose yourself

To embarrassment. To ridicule. To risk. To strange events and conditions. To wild ideas. To things that make you cringe. To strange vistas and new sounds. Trust me. It'll be fun.

Become a spy

People watch. Eavesdrop. Lurk. Loiter. Listen. And you'll learn the secret codes of others. Every day can be an interesting recon mission.

State the obvious

What's known to you is often a mystery to others. Your old fact is someone else's new lesson. Your simple task is someone else's impossible chore. Your mind is full of treasures that no one else has seen. Pass them on. An idea shared is not diminished: It's multiplied.

Earnestly enjoy yourself

Irony gets in the way of experience. Drop the pretense, and you'll have room to carry the day.

Sing along to cheesy pop music. Enjoy things that are out of style. Make silly faces. Stop stifling your giggles.

Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself





( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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