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1.5碼dress for a 150nt per mini-skirt-dress
2016/06/11 18:29:38瀏覽306|回應0|推薦1


With this lovely flora fabric, i love to sew it on my body.

Body of pattern follow Happy cell dress (with 2 pleats on the front pannel skirts), I would like my skirt to be circle.

In order to save fabric, i have to sew the dress with mini skirt.


 What i saved the fabric, i can sew another project. Such as bags, hat, ...etc.

 省下來的布 可以a 包b 挷挷c 帽子d .....x.y.z...



 全國布店 延平北路二段十號

the flora fabric is really a bargin, i bought for 3us dollar per yard...

Circle skirts math.. see here


 (however, I did not get my math right, so extra fabric i made two pleats on the front panel of skirt...so this is Cirecle + Pleat Skirt dress.....Ha.)


Well...the skirt really short, i do not dare wear it to work...

So next time buy more 1 yard fabric..nina

Let me do the math again. 1.5 yards of fabric x 3usd/yard=4.5usd or 150nt per mini-skirt-dress


2 yards of fabricx 3usd/yard=6 usd or 200nt per No-need-to-shy- dress.



( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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