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Stamp me to Paris Pencil Skirt
2016/05/03 20:15:08瀏覽242|回應0|推薦2

2 dollar pencil skirt ( fabric 58nt. Zipper5mt)..see that cat ...

my cat said He like to come with me to the Paris...ha


May 5,今天我穿了這件Paris 鉛筆裙上班. 每次我test 第一次穿. 我都會想辦法看看那里還需要修改嗎?

順便檢視身材有無變化. 應該腰變除粗了吧>.<

穿起來是有一點鬆. 我希望鉛筆裙要很貼臀且緊緊緊的. 後來坐下. 想了想.  坐下後整個臀部的肥肉完全撐開鉛筆裙. 也是緊緊緊的阿. 算了. 別改了. 不然沒法爬樓梯了...

很喜歡自己穿鉛筆裙的樣子. Slim and Professional..沒有多的累贅身型. 也不會太裸露. 搭一件簡單的素色棉T. 再穿上高跟鞋 就是NaNa了.

這次嘗試用比較另類的布Try. 一般這圖案棉麻布是用於包包. 而不是在服裝上. 不過因為這特價paris布 一呎才29nt在布莊店門口. 想想 兩呎就夠車一條裙了.


鑫韋布莊 中壢店
地址: 320桃園市中壢區中正路211號
電話:03 426 2885


可以擺攤了嗎? 带一台烤克車。來哦現烤量身訂做sport tank

 anyway, anyhow...fabrics makes me happy. sewings makes me happy. wearing NaNa sewing dress makes me the happiest woman on this plannet.

and I countting my happiness on my blog bring N times of 2-dollar-skirt effects.

as I  relive the happy experience as I'm writing it and then relive it every time I  read it.

and now you are reading my blog posting, it may somehow bring my little happiness to you.

( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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