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Red Long T
2015/08/17 19:37:16瀏覽358|回應0|推薦5

 yes, piled of fabric slow moving inventory...what should i do??

all the patterns in the Sytle book (Japan) ...not my styles.

50ntd per yard or 1.6us/yard...

made this Red long t only 50nt or 1.6usd....for just 1 yard.

 This fabic is a sytlel of bamboo yarn. I like its light weight sew it will nautually drapping on the edge..sew nice.

patterning from esprit on sales 299ntd yellow t.

 yes, sometimes i shopped for cloth just for its patterning for reproduction at nana sewing room..ha


This is also designed to sport tank (long arm hole) with a sport bra inside. Also good for lesiure activities at home for example, wearing this tank for sewing another tank...ha


 it's been a quarter for not shopping fabrics....itching..itching..

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