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2015/03/30 15:31:41瀏覽429|回應0|推薦0


 This purple fabric i bought in Munich ...2 euo for 1 yard....and it only took me 5 min to sew this nicely dress....5 min pattern i had sewn from sweat sport tank to oscar award dress.....ha...


1. 5 min for Xmas dress (Red)

2. 5 min for Oscar dress (Gloden)

3. 5 min for sport tank (Pink)

4. 5 min for flora dress (Tropical Flora...Sept 2013)


 This time at this moment  i was totally inpired by Purple flora


 i bought from flora shop...

my mirror always comfort me and motivate me to do whatever i like ...Mirror said.."Go Ahead, nana...follow your heart.."






Purple driven life....contiune..



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