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2015 diary 車好韓版皮套了。置名片ㄟ
2014/12/11 19:04:45瀏覽399|回應0|推薦0

去韓國考察從這個門到那跟門, 這個洞到那個洞, 也找不到合適的筆記本 , 只好用東大門買的防水布車三兩下就解決了...一切都是設計出自己要的筆記本阿

1) 市售的無隱密性..開開的...opps...nina妳筆記本掉了一張紙條..ㄟ. 上面寫著春去秋來依然想妳..

2) 內頁延用2014 muji notes. 2014 用了三本muji...寫完了, 自己還可加頁.一本muji 空白才30ntd, muji 一個月一面, 12個月才12面, 其他剩下都是空白格子. 

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這樣有fu 更愛寫了

1. What are the top five things you know you need to do right now that you been avoiding?

2. Who is the one person in your life you need to build a better relationship with right now?

3. How much money do you need to set aside right now for your safety net so that you can live the life of your dreams?

4. What's been bothering you over the last few months that you need to take care of right away?

5. Who do you need to hire right now to help you get a little bit closer to where you want to be?

6. What are you afraid of that you're too embarrassed to say out loud?

7. Are you as financially fit as you need to be right now or are you just hoping things stay lucky for you?

8. Are you using the right tools right now to guarantee that you follow up and follow through on a consistent basis?

9. Do you find yourself gravitating towards the fast and easy solution or are you willing to work hard right now?

10. How often do the opinions of others cause you to throw away the ideas you're working on?

11. Would you be doing what you're doing right now if you knew you only had a few days left?

12. To whom do you need to say "Thank you" or "I'm sorry" right now?

13. How can you be more candid right now with the people that are relying on you for direction?

14. What personal health habits do you need to improve right now in order to get to your full potential?

15. How often do you try things before you decide that your idea isn't going to go anywhere?

16. Do you actively seek out time for meditation or personal exercise on a daily basis?

17. How much time do you spend watching television, movies, or playing video games each day?

Flickr/Will ClaytonDo you take enough time out to think and reflect?

18. How often do you set aside time to nurture your soul and dig into the pain and fear that tries to control you?

19. Are you mentally strong enough to ignore your critics even when they claim to have your best interests at heart?

20. What would you do if you lost everything right now?

21. Who do you blame when you don't like the results you've been getting?

22. What would others say about you right now if they were asked if you were a person of integrity?

23. How often do you allow yourself to dream big dreams without talking yourself out of getting started right now?

24. Do you treat others as compassionately as you like to be treated when everything goes wrong for you?

25. What would you be doing right now if you weren't afraid that you couldn't do it?

26. Are you actively looking right now for opportunities where you can give value to those who need it most?

27. Right now — how will you know if you end up being successful?

Read more: http://danwaldschmidt.com/2014/12/business/14004#ixzz3LarFmjYB
( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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