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Dreams and Illusions
2014/05/20 08:44:28瀏覽136|回應0|推薦0

While my dreams cannot be all fulfilled,

I’ve to live seeing them in my head.

Though dreams are hard to follow,

As Maria says,

People can be zombies living without them.


When dreams become nearly visible,

They gradually take shape and turn real,

As dreams transform into flesh and bones.

Lo! Dreams are no longer dreams, and it’s

Time to dream up new dreams

Again, before I lie down in my eternal grave.


While illusions may look all very real,

They never last long enough to bear fruit.

Illusions are forever inside their heads, and

Shall never jump into the real world.


When illusions fast fall into pieces,

They flush to toilets and aren’t remembered.

People with illusions turn disillusioned at last,

As their surreal bubbles are blown up.

( 創作詩詞 )
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