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2010/10/25 09:05:36瀏覽424|回應0|推薦0 | |
後衛:Back 前衛:Midfielder 前鋒:Forward 中鋒:Striker 自由人:libero 中後衛:Center Back 全能選手:utility player 守門員:Goalkeeper,Goalie 左(右)後衛:Left (Right) Back 清道夫,拖後中衛:Sweeper 左(右)前衛:Left (Right) Midfielder 攻擊型前衛,前腰:Attacking Midfielder 防守型前衛,後腰:Defending Midfielder 足球:football,soccer 足球場:field,pitch 中場:midfield 中圈:kickoff circle,center circle 中線:halfway line 邊線:touchline 底線:goal line (點球)發球點:penalty mark 禁區:penalty area 小禁區:goal area 開球:Kick-off 倒鉤球:bicycle kick,overhead kick 半高球:chest-high ball 角球:corner ball,corner 球門球:goal kick 地面球:ground ball,grounder 手觸球:hand ball 頭球:header 點球:penalty kick 罰點球:spot kick 罰任意球:free kick 胸部停球:chesting 連續傳球:consecutive passes 魚躍頂球:diving header 盤球,帶球:dribbling (守門員)接高球:clean catching 邊線傳球:flank pass 高吊傳球:high lobbing pass 淩空傳球:volley pass 鏟球:tackle 地滾球:rolling pass,ground pass 射門:shoot 貼地射門:grazing shot 近射:close-range shot 遠射:long drive 未射中:mishit 越位:offside 傳球:pass the ball 接球:take a pass 球傳到位:spot pass 攔截球:intercept 擲界外球:throw-in 紅牌:red card 黃牌 :yellow card 正面搶截:block tackle 阻擋:body check 球門前混戰:bullt 合理衝撞:fair charge 盯人防守:close-marking defence 短傳:close pass,short pass 假動作:deceptive movement 躍起爭頂:flying headar 解圍:clearance kick 擺脫防守:break loose 攪亂防守:disorganize the defence 築人墻:set a wall -全攻全守足球戰術:total football 拉開的足球戰術 :open football 越位戰術:off-side trap 邊鋒戰術:wing play 積極的搶射戰術:shoot-on-sight tactics 拖延戰術:time wasting tactics 433陣型:4-3-3 formation 442陣型:4-4-2 formation 進球荒:goal drought 反越位成功:beat the offside trap 判罰出場:send a player off 中場休息:half time interval 加時賽 :extra-time 傷停補時:injury time 掌握比賽節奏:set the pace 控救技術:ball playing skill |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |