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以下是即時通的通靈問事的對話內容 貼篇英文版的,展現異國風情一下,呵
2011/12/14 10:22:19瀏覽273|回應0|推薦0

2011.12.14 以下是即時通的通靈問事的對話內容 貼篇英文版的,展現異國風情一下,呵,看得懂的人就看吧。
Jean: hi
玄覺 居士: Hi, tell me your birth year and questions which you need the readings.
Jean: 1979
Jean: what do your readings cover sorry?
玄覺 居士: it depends on your need, which part you need to ask in your daily life? health, love or career?
Jean: well all to be honest
玄覺 居士: which part is your most need?
Jean: love and career and health
玄覺 居士: which country are you from?
Jean: uk
Jean: england
玄覺 居士: I saw your mouth has some problems, my angel show me it is sealed by something.
Jean: ok? what does that mean?
玄覺 居士: it seems that something control your mouth to say or tell things free, is that true?
Jean: I m not sure what you mean to be honest, i dont feel there is, sometimes i dont always speak my heart
玄覺 居士: 1.I can feel that you have faithful religous, right ? 2.You have strong ambition more than common people, right?
Jean: spiritual yes, and yes i would like to do something different
玄覺 居士: but I can't see what do you do now, do you have job now?
Jean: yes,pharmacist
玄覺 居士: I saw you have a gray - silver color women suits , is that what you wear in the office?
Jean: yes i tend to wear grey suit,but it can vary
玄覺 居士: I usually ask some questions to make sure if I have got your information exactly. So, I can predict your future more precisely.
Jean: ok
玄覺 居士: The firstly question is free, It has to be paid if you need to ask the second question. So You have to pick one of the three questions to be the first free question. Health, love or career which one is your priority question?
Jean: love please?
玄覺 居士: Are you single now ?
Jean: yes
玄覺 居士: I saw you are seeking your Mr.right in the party or actually I saw you have a wine glass to invite someone, but I can't see any men beside you, so it is almost empty about your current romance life, right?
Jean: yes
Jean: but i dont drink wine
玄覺 居士: I can see the glass, but I am not sure if that is the wine glass, maybe just a glass cup with tea, haha.
Jean: yeh lol
玄覺 居士: so,I guess your priority question is when will you meet your Mr.right in the future?
Jean: yes,love,marriage
玄覺 居士: I saw you will get marry at the age of 38.
Jean: ok,do you have an idea when i will meet him
玄覺 居士: You will meet him at the age of 38 also.
Jean: oh ok
玄覺 居士: Did you ask other psychic of this question before?
Jean: yes
玄覺 居士: What did you get the answer?
Jean: I have never got a proper answer to be fair
Jean: but thank you for your time
Jean: and having a look,much appreciated
玄覺 居士: You are also welcome to introduce your friends or relatives to get my first free reading via yahoo IM. My unique power is cure strange or heavy sick, not just readings. ^^
Jean: yes i will do,I have strange health problems also to be honest
玄覺 居士: I saw that, that is why I told you that you mouth looks to be sealed. haha
Jean: oh ok
Jean: but your angel didnt say what was cause?
玄覺 居士: sure, I can read the cause, but I am sorry, It is the second question,which need to be paid USD 20, haha, Each question cost USD 10 . Minimum payment is USD 20. Paypal is acceptable.
Jean: ok, well maybe we could chat again sometime,its getting very late here,past midnight and i am tired,thankyou for the time
玄覺 居士: sure, see you next time. ^^
Jean: thanks,bye

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