Appartement-Hotel an der Riemergasse
July 9-12, 2015 3nights, 2 person
Riemergasse 8, 1010 Wien,
Order no. 911.649.816, pin code: 1633,Ming-Yin Chen
700 EUR
After landing at Wien Schwechat airport, we recommend taking the City Airport Train - abbreviated CAT. Ride it to the city terminal "Wien Mitte", and from there take underground U3 for just one station in the direction of Ottakring as far as "Stubentor".
Coming out of the Wollzeile exit, take the 1st street on the left, this is the Riemergasse! Depending on the weather, your luggage and your mood, you can also, of course, enjoy a pleasant stroll from the "Wien Mitte" station to our hotel. We are just a few minutes away.
Stubentor車站的Wollzeile exit, 直走第一個路口左轉, 就是Riemergasse street, 過一個路口的右手邊
Seehotel Gruener Baum
July 12 -13, 2015, 1nights, 1 rooms
Marktplatz 104 | 4830 Hallstatt
Reservation no. 46127,Ming-Yin Chen
436 EUR
Ramada Hotel Salzburg
July 13 -16, 2015, 3 nights, 1 rooms
Südtirolerplatz 13, Elisabeth-Vorstadt, Salzburg, 5020
Order no. 826.296.435, pin code: 4164,Ming-Yin Chen
639.52 EUR
Hotel Bayer’s
July 16 -13, 2015, 3 nights
Bayerstr.13, Ludwigvorstadt – Isarvorstadt, München
Order no. 368.468.686, pin code: 7939,Ming-Yin Chen
480 EUR
Ribs of Vienna
July 9, 2015 17:30
Address: Weihburggasse 22, 1010 Vienna
Figlmuller Wollzeile
July 10, 2015 13:00
Address: Wollzeile 5, 1010 Vienna
Reservation no.: 17059528(088XJ27G),
Web: www.figlmueller.at
Café Mozart
July 11, 2015 8:00am
Address: Albertinaplatz 2, 1010, Vienna
Booking: mozart@cafe-wien.at,
Mozart dinner
July 13, 2015 20:00
Address: St. Peter Bezirk I/IV 5020, Salzburg
Barocksaal, Stiftskeller St. Peter
Booking: Booking - Salzburger Konzertgesellschaft <booking@skg.co.at>, Pei-Yu Yang
BOOKID#28070, 188 EUR (56*2, 42, 34)
Concert & Local tour
Guided tour in Musikverein Wien
July 10, 2015 11:00 AM
Duration: 45 min
Meeting point: Musikverein Wien , Künstlereingang , Bösendorferstraße 12 1010 Wien
Order: 301289 19.5 EUR
Vienna Mozart Orchestra
July 10, 2015 8:15 pm
Address: Vienna State Opera , Opernring 2, 1010 Vienna
Collect ticket: box office is located in the building (Opernring 2, 1010 Vienna)
Order: 40606, category B, 225 Eur
Booking from concervienna.com
Sound of Music tour
July 15, 2015 9:15 am
Address: Schrannengasse2/2, 5020, Salzburg
Reservation No. 10848
Booking: Panorama tours and travel < office@panoramatours.com> Pei-Yu Yang
140 EUR (120*3, 20)
Tour name: The Royal Castles Neuschwanstrin and Linderhof Munich, Germany
GAT tour No: AAWF142751
Agent Ref; CH1079575
Tour supplied by: GRAYLINE SIGHTS. FIT
Tel: 49-89-54907560, 069-138128140 (49-69-138128140)
Start time: 8:30 am, duration: 10hours30mins
Departure point: main departure point-Central station )BAHNHOFSPLATZ Munich
At the entrance of Karstadt Department store
102EUR (51*2, 36), 天鵝堡門票另計 42 EUR (21*2)
l 維也納地鐵英文版網站:http://homepage.univie.ac.at/horst.prillinger/metro/english/
l 維也納公共運輸路線詳細圖:http://homepage.univie.ac.at/horst.prillinger/metro/english/network_maps.html
l 機場連結交通:
l http://www.viennaairport.com/
l 交通查詢
l http://www.wien.gv.at/english/transportation/index.htm
l 地圖地址查詢
l http://www.wien.gv.at/stadtplan/suche.asp?lang=en
l 鐵路網頁英文版http://www.oebb.at/en/
l Free travel for children For Vienna subway
l Children up to the age of six travel free of charge on the Vienna public transport network. Children up to the age of 15 travel free on Sundays and public holidays and during the school holidays in Vienna (this includes the week before Easter, July 6th through August 31st, and Dec 23rd through Jan 6th). An ID card may be helpful to prove a child's age.
l 百水公寓
1. 搭地鐵(U1,U4)到 Shwederplarz站,轉搭地面電車tram 1到 Radetzkyplatz 下車 2. 或搭地鐵(U3,U4)到) Landstrasse/Wien Mitte站, 轉搭地面電車tram O到 Radetzkyplatz 下車 下車的地方並不是剛好在旁邊, 要看著地圖走一下 百水公寓就在一般的小巷間, 但是它獨特的色彩與外型一眼就能夠認出 由百水先生(佛登斯列‧漢德瓦薩 Friedensreich Hundertwasser)於1983-1985年間設計建造
l 維也納藝術史博物館 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
咖啡座 Kuppelhalle café
Gourmet evening
Thursday 6:30-10:00 pm, 44 EUR, 25 EUR 門票另計 (大人14, 19Y/O以下不必費用)
l 超市 奧地利的超市營業時間多是: 星期一到五 8:00~19:00 (在我Jun.2014回台灣時,有些店已經延長營業到八點), 星期六 8:00~18:00, 星期日 休息, 如果錯過上面的時間的話,可以去車站的超市碰碰運氣, Hoffer (cheap), Billa (品項多)
l "radler"的啤酒: 它是啤酒與不同比例的檸檬汁混合而成(超市也能買到), radler在超市也有在賣 在試過各種品牌後 最喜歡奧地利自有酒廠 Ottakringer 的 Citron Radler, Rennweg 8 A-1030 Wien
l Ribs of Vienna 13.8歐+果汁2.5歐: 城市公园的Parking大道的万豪酒店(Marriott)南的道路向西行,過二條馬即刻到達
l Munich 皇家啤酒屋的 Russin (white beer with lemonade)
l 中央市場: Karplatz, Naschmarkt, recite Vienna card 機場遊客中心, 48h 18.9, 72h 21.9. 第一次進站前打卡, 填日期
維也納大學-環城大道-博物館區-市政廳-博物館-中央市場 熊布郎宮-中央公墓-貝德雷宮-百水公寓
l Rimowa
分享2014/5/22在德國慕尼黑KARLPLATZ站前的Hetzenecker店家買Rimowa,買的型號是LIMBO 29吋紅色的,店家標價503歐,付現打九折452.7歐,機場退稅51歐,實際上購賣價錢是401.7歐(*41 大約16470),台灣網站價格NT $24,990(夜藍色),沒有紅色的~~整整省了8520元,大概是台灣的66折,真的非常划算!!!
l Hallstatt 湖船班
Hallstatt Bahnnstation TO Hallstatt Markt (渡輪站)
7:06, 7.35, 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.35, 11.00, 11.30, 12.35, 13.00, 13.30, 14.35, 15.0, 15.3, 16.35, 17.0, 17.32, 18.50
Hallstatt Lahn (公車站停車場)
Hallstatt Markt (渡輪站)
Hallstatt Bahnnstation (對岸火車站) OBB火車站
l 鹽洞Salzwelten Hallstatt
http://www.salzwelten.at/en/hallstatt/opening-times/ 沿著哈修塔特的主幹道往南走,來到最南邊的入口處,可以看到這座礦工雕像,循著指標就可以來到鹽礦的纜車搭乘處。用二歐租了個IPOD導覽或參加英文導覽, 導覽大約60~70分鐘左右吧, 因為導覽過程有兩段滑梯, 人多, 停頓的多, 時間可能就拉得比較長, 鹽礦若搭纜車上山, 下纜車後約需步行單程 15 分鐘才到鹽礦的導覽服務中心, 要換衣服及寄放物品後, 等導覽員一整批的帶進去參觀, 不是到了就可以馬上開始計算行程時間, 然後纜車站離 Hallstatt 碼頭還有一段距離, 這時間都得算進去