看到一則新聞:"抗議中共軍售蘇丹 史匹柏辭奧運顧問"
"美聯社報導,史匹柏在本周二宣布辭去北京奧運的藝術顧問,關鍵在於中共與蘇丹的關係,讓蘇丹境內達富爾地區難民被屠殺居無定所的問題不能停止。報導中指出,中共賣武器給蘇丹,....."http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR1/4217264.shtml很巧,老朽看到另一則新聞:布希 政府 為了出兵 伊拉克,說謊 935 次。 "President George W. Bush and seven of his administration's top
officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security
Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made
at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11,
2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's
Iraq. Nearly five years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, an exhaustive
examination of the record shows that the statements were part of an
orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and,
in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses."
伊拉克的軍費,每二天多 就是十億 美元。老共賣給 蘇丹 的軍火,有幾個億 ? 阿扁 八年貪污 的又有幾個億 ? 夠不夠 Bush 打伊拉克一天 ?
美國的月亮,听說比較 圓 ?
雖然都是 烏鴉,Bush 應是 當代 超級 特黑烏鴉?
胡錦濤 ? Who ?
听說 受 老鄧 賞識 / 隔代提拔,是因為 曾在 西藏 施威,耍狠。
与 Bush 相比,嘿,嘿,嘿,
小巫見大巫 !