The public seems went insaine at HEB and Kroger. The stock market seems went bizzard. Flu specialist in Texas Medical center says the COVID-19 pandemic will be over about 2 months, ...
Picked up some GDX near the very low at Market closing on Friday the 13th ← 黃曆 : 宜開市。 ← noted yesterday﹐ before market open, So waited until today. Then it is obvious that market went bizzard about GDX and it is free-fall. But do not know about next Monday? It can be lower ? No risk ~ no possible gain ?
The low reached on 03/13/2020 ~ in step with gold on 09/18/2018 about 18 month ago. But Gold is no where near $1,128 that day. The $1,128 is fairly close to the very bottom of $1,015 span over the past 7+ years.
Once again: An educated bet ? ↓ ↓ ↓
The GDX is more under valued than Gold﹐ may be due to the index margin CALL squeeze ?
But it could squeeze more in the coming days. ← His mistake ? he admitted that he bought 6 months too early. It is extremely difficult to catch a falling knife.
If GDX goes lower, I may add more﹐average down﹐then sell some at any bounce, "樓梯法" - within means ? !
Vesy good news for Gold and Gold Mining ~ Fed Reserve cut interest rate to near zero today (Sunday, 03/15/2020) 『美國聯準會15日緊急降息四碼(1個百分點),將基準利率降至接近零,..... 以挽救受新冠肺炎疫情衝擊的經濟。』
市場 極度 不理性,請 extra 小心。 量力 下 賭注 ? !
Please be careful ~ do not over load your bets.
If one bend the bamboo too much﹐it breaks and can not bounce back.
輕明世界(aka internet age world )疫紛紛, (網)路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有,老童搖指不開門.