1990年,川普對美國外交政策的觀感,也讓人聯想到他今天對美國的看法。當時川普提及冷戰和伊朗時,大嘆「我們有些總統,在一些不可思議的衝突軋一角」,還連說幾次「我們需要強硬起來」。自認與德雷莎、基督 相提並論.
川普的著作「交易的藝術」(The Art of the Deal)已是各國駐美外交官必讀書籍,不過川普於1990年、43歲時,以成功地產大亨身分接受花花公子(Playboy)雜誌專訪的文章,如今更像短版的政治聖經。
On which Americans would support a hypothetical Trump bid for the White House:
1990 “The working guy would elect me. He likes me. When I walk down the street, those cabbies start yelling out their windows.”
On the aspirational power of his ostentatious wealth — the yacht, towers and planes:
1990 “Props for the show. ... The show is Trump, and it’s sold-out performances everywhere. I’ve had fun doing it and will continue to have fun, and I think most people enjoy it.”
1990 “We Americans are laughed at around the world for losing a hundred and fifty billion dollars year after year, for defending wealthy nations for nothing, nations that would be wiped out in about 15 minutes if weren’t for us. Our ‘allies’ are making billions screwing us.”
2016 He makes precisely the same argument today, wondering why the United States adheres to costly “one-sided” defense agreements with nations like Japan and South Korea — and suggesting that they develop their own nuclear capabilities so America need not rush to their aid.
1990 “I think if we had people from the business community — the Carl Icahns, the Ross Perots — negotiating some of our foreign policy, we’d have respect around the world.”
2016 On this, Mr. Trump is strikingly consistent, right down to his mention of Mr. Icahn, a billionaire corporate raider, as an archetypal negotiator. Mr. Trump still names him as a future member of his cabinet.