本傑明·富爾福德大神每週特別快訊(2024年8月26日) - 醒覺大勢頭 - udn部落格
    2024/08/29 15:32:01



    地球秘密戰中的秋季攻勢已提前展開,這次攻勢包括油管執行長蘇珊(Susan Wojcicki)的處決、福奇的神秘疾病以及《Telegram》CEO杜羅夫(Pavel Durov)的逮捕。幕後還有很多事情發生。


    讓我們從蘇珊談起。官方的說法是她因肺癌去世,年僅56歲。然而,中情局消息稱她因在油管上審查有關疫苗大規模謀殺的真相而被處決(本筆者等許多人因報導疫苗和新冠相關真相而被封禁)。消息說,在處決之前,她曾被詢問關於頂尖撒旦教徒和谷歌聯合創始人布林(Sergey Brin)的下落。她兒子也在2月因「藥物過量」去世。


    順便提一下,我們注意到,在她掛後,像小羅拔甘廼迪(Robert F Kennedy Jr.)和納波利塔諾法官(Judge Andrew Napolitano)等人又重回到油管上,而油管現在不再審查有關疫苗的真相了。

    接下來看看福奇。據上週的新聞報導,儘管今年迄今為止在美只報告了216例此類病例,福奇因感染西尼羅病毒(West Nile virus)而住院。他在前一週表示,儘管已接受了「6次種苗和加強針」,但仍然第3次感染新冠。


    「福奇被喬治城大學(Georgetown University)聘用,意味他得到了撒旦教P2意共會的支持。這些人是馬爾他騎士,他們最終負責整個新冠和疫苗大規模謀殺事件。










    順便提一下,所謂的加密郵件服務如《Proton Mail》和《Tuta》被各機構用來試圖將所有認為自己有秘密的人集中到易於找到的地方。



    作為背景,杜羅夫將Telegram搬到杜拜,是因為拒絕向俄當局提供後門。根據俄聯安局消息,Telegram最近開發了支持金磚國家貨幣所需的技術,通過其計劃中的TON加密貨幣。隨後,俄迫使杜羅夫接受一名為佩雷科普斯基(Ilya Perekopsky)的俄代理人擔任副總裁,目前佩雷科普斯基掌控了Telegram。




















    此外,賀錦麗的副總統瓦爾茲(Tim Walz)上週六剛與亞力士索羅斯(Alex Soros)以及著名的希拉莉助手胡瑪(Huma Abedin)進行了私人會晤。我們之前已發佈了一段影片,顯示胡瑪和希拉莉一起折磨一名年輕女孩致死。


    我們注意到,雖然假特朗普視福奇為陰森國度之一員,但他仍保留福奇作為白宮新冠緊急事務的顧問,並通過《曲速計劃》(Warp Speed)計劃資助摩登那的突刺蛋白基因血清加速生產,該血清後來因為引發急性癌症問題和其他非常嚴重的不良反應,甚至導致死亡,結果證明是危險的。

    此外,義大利記者卡里西奧(Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio)說道,他的副總統候選人萬斯(Vance)是企業家,正與《Battelle》合作進行基因療法業務。Battelle是五角大廈的主要承包商之一,與摩登那一起在美、烏和中進行涉及SARS病毒的危險實驗。












    總的來說,作為衛生部長,你更願意選擇誰,小羅拔還是瑞秋萊文(Rachel Levine)?







    在一次震撼德的新聞發佈會上,巴魯克(Bastian Barucker)揭露了RKI的協議中令人髮指的細節。儘管知道兒童並不會受到這種重新包裝的普通感冒的威脅,卻強行實施了殘酷的學校關閉措施、恐懼宣傳以及強迫種苗等。





    儘管這些粗暴的審查努力,消息仍在傳播。例如,可在這裏觀看薩克斯(Dr. Jeffery Sachs)告訴卡爾森(Tucker Carlson):「政府從一開始就對我們撒了謊」,談論新冠及其來源。


    在荷蘭,由雅各布斯(Dr. Marc Jacobs)和米斯特(Professor Ronald Meester)領導的研究關於新冠疫苗與荷蘭超額死亡之間可能的關聯已經公佈。





    美內科醫學委員會(ABIM)上週撤銷了科里(Pierre Kory)醫生和馬里克(Paul Marik)醫生的認證,原因是他們推廣伊維菌素和羥氯喹作為新冠的治療方法,並對新冠疫苗的安全性和有效性提出質疑。



    他們也在急切推廣猴痘詐騙,作為宣佈醫療緊急狀況的藉口。在這裏可觀看洛氏奴才、世衛組織的瑪麗亞(Maria Van Kerkhove)醫生關於猴痘危險的恐慌宣傳。她是傳染病流行病學家,也是世衛組織新冠應對工作的技術負責人。


    知名醫生沃達格(Wolfgang Wodarg)指出,許多人認為猴痘實際上是帶狀皰疹,是新冠疫苗的副作用。





    李奧(Leonard Leo)擔任聯邦主義者協會(Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies)的執行副總裁。他曾擔任美聯合國理事會和聯合國人權委員會代表,以及歐洲安全與合作組織和世衛大會的成員。他還曾在世界知識產權組織擔任觀察員,以及美國家教科文組織委員會的成員。






    烏最高拉達(Verkhovna Rada)成員費季延科(Alexander Fediyenko)表示,目前每天都有數千名烏部隊投降。



    早些時候,另一名拉達成員戈爾本科(Ruslan Gorbenko)透露,對約8萬名放棄職位的軍人提起刑事案件。

    對庫爾斯克的軍事入侵並未帶來好處。陸軍元帥道格拉斯(Douglas MacGregor)形容這是一場軍事人才的可怕浪費,他表示,用於入侵庫爾斯克的所有設備已被摧毀,進攻的部隊被包圍,無法撤退回烏。他說,戰爭基本上已結束。他補充道:「我們真的需要處理基輔的政權,它對每個人都是冒犯和危險的。」




    以色列的情況同樣糟糕。國防部長加蘭特(Yoav Gallant)在週五批評了國安部長吉爾(Itamar Ben Gvir)。此前,辛貝特(Shin Bet)局長羅嫩巴爾(Ronen Bar)在週四發表的一封信中指責本吉爾(Ben Gvir)通過鼓勵約旦河西岸及其他地區的猶太極端份子,對以色列造成了「無法形容的損害」。


    在週四(澳洲東部標準時間)的交接儀式上,即將卸任的以色列軍事情報部首長、少將哈利瓦(Aharon Haliva)表示,10月7日的失敗將伴隨他終身。





    在以色列面臨即將來臨的厄運的徵兆中,埃及總統塞西(Abdel Fattah el-Sissi)將於9月4日首次訪問安卡拉,與土耳其總統埃爾多安會晤,討論加沙、利比亞、蘇丹和索馬里等問題。


    摩薩德消息警告說,以色列人正成群結隊地逃離,並且很快那里只會剩下罪犯。根據以色列的兒童戀童癖監測組織--馬佐夫協會(The Matzof Association)的資料,每年在以色列有數萬名戀童癖者活動,導致約10萬名受害者。


    對以色列的封鎖也加劇。上週,一次飛彈攻擊引燃了希臘旗艦的油輪《MV Sounion》。這艘油輪載有15萬噸原油,這一數量比1989年厄運《瓦爾迪斯》(Exxon Valdez)洩漏的原油量多出4倍多。引發了紅海發生重大環境災難的嚴重可能性。






    看起來可薩暴徒要麼是在互相殘殺,要麼是在假裝死亡以逃往如巴塔哥尼亞等地。英國億萬富翁科技巨頭邁克林奇(Mike Lynch)的案件是近期的例子,這條新聞顯示:



    摩根士丹利國際董事會主席布盧默(Jonathan Bloomer)及其老婆也在這起發生在義大利海岸的遊艇「怪異事故」中失蹤。林奇在6月於舊金山法院被宣判無罪,此前他因涉及將其軟體公司《Autonomy》出售給惠普而被指控涉及110億美元的詐騙。

    負責調查的檢察官卡馬拉諾(Raffaele Cammarano)在新聞發佈會上表示,已對「未知人士」開展了「疏忽船難和過失殺人」的案件調查,義大利報紙《晚報》(Corriere Della Sera)引用了他的話。


    惠普由先鋒集團(Vanguard)、道通(State Street)和黑岩集團(BlackRock)持有,因此是常見的嫌疑人。義大利需要關注拉里芬克(Larry Fink)及其洛氏主子。



    幾年前,德州提出了一個絕妙的主意:將因遠在華盛頓特區等地採取的政策而湧入其境內的數百萬非法移民,送往如紐約、華盛頓特區等所謂的庇護城市,最理想的是送到馬薇娜(Martha’s Vineyard),因為那些在紐約和華盛頓特區運作的人往往會去那裏度假。結果是,假裝具有偽善美德的“NIMBY”(鄰避效應)群體立即產生了厭惡感,對必須承擔其行為後果的情況感到不滿。現在,匈牙利建議,如果無法解決與歐盟在庇護政策處罰問題上的爭端,它可能會像德州一樣,開始將出現在其邊境的移民直接運送到布魯塞爾。



    在德國「多樣性節」(Festival of Diversity)上,週五晚上的大規模刺傷攻擊造成3人死亡,另有8人受傷,目前正展開大規模搜捕行動。




    北韓領導層已指示加強與俄在武器開發方面的合作。這一決定是在金正恩與俄副國防部長克里沃魯奇科(Aleksey Krivoruchko)會晤後作出的。














    【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Aug 26, 2024 

    《The Execution of YouTube CEO and arrest of Telegram CEO are just the beginning》

    The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well. This is heading for some sort of very dramatic climax in November, Secret Space Force sources promised at a white hat meeting on August 25th. For reasons of operational security, we cannot comment on what is expected in November other than to say it is about a lot more than the US Presidential Selection.

    Let us start with Wojcicki. The official story is she died of lung cancer at the age of 56. However, CIA sources say she was executed for censoring the truth about vaccine mass murder on YouTube (your correspondent is among many who were banned for reporting the truth about the vaccines and Covid). Before execution she was questioned about the whereabouts of top Satanist and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the sources say. Her son also died in February of a “drug overdose.”


    We notice, by the way, that following her death people like Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Judge Andrew Napolitano are back on YouTube which is no longer censoring vaccine truth.

    Next, let us look at Anthony Fauci. News reports last week say Fauci was hospitalized with West Nile virus even though there have been only 216 human cases reported in the US so far this year. The previous week he said he caught COVID for a third time despite having been “vaccinated and boosted six times.”


    The fact Fauci was hired by Georgetown University means he is backed by the Satanic P2 Freemasons. These are the Knights of Malta who are ultimately responsible for the entire Covid and vaccine mass murder event.

    In any case, last night we got a call from an Asian secret society source who said Fauci “committed suicide” by stuffing toilet paper down his throat. We have not been able to independently confirm this information but, if true, it would represent poetic justice considering what has been coming out of his mouth. No official announcement of his death has been made.

    Ok, now let us talk about the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. To be honest I have mixed feelings about Telegram. On the one hand, I have used it to avoid censorship of my email that I have experienced on other media. They were also the only major social media network not to censor the truth about vaccines and the Covid 19 fraud.

    On the other hand, Telegram has supported fraudsters pretending to be me who are selling fraudulent cryptocurrency. Telegram also pirates my website despite multiple requests, both formal and informal, to cease and desist. We even sent a policeman to his door to politely ask for this. My case is just the tip of the iceberg of criminality on Telegram. The bottom line is we support truth but draw the line at lies and criminal behavior.

    By the way, since I deal with many different secret groups; here is what I can tell you from personal experience: MI6 trusts only Apple iPhones, Meta, Instagram and Whatsapp are controlled by the Rockefellers, the CIA white hats and Pentagon like Signal, Russia’s FSB used to like Signal but now they banned it, they prefer Telegram and a service called Comera, the North Koreans use Line and Mossad uses Telegram. The Asian secret societies do not trust anything electronic and have their own secret hand sign language so; I would give them the top prize in the secrecy department. Personally, I assume I live in an aquarium and have no secrets to hide. If I do however, I only trust handwritten and hand-delivered messages.

    Here is a relevant tweet:

    “One little-known feature of this war is that the Ukrainian military largely communicates via Signal and the Russian military via Telegram.”



    By the way, so-called encrypted email services like Proton mail and Tuta are used by the agencies to try to herd all people who think they have secrets into one easy-to-find place.

    In any case, we contacted both the Russian FSB and French intelligence about the arrest of Durov. It turns out there is a lot more very interesting background to the story than is being reported on the internet echo chamber of free speech versus crime. Both the Russians and the French agree the real reason Durov was arrested was to put Telegram back under Russian control so that it can be used to support their planned BRICS currency. As background, Durov moved Telegram to Dubai because he refused to give Russian authorities a backdoor. Telegram recently developed the technology necessary for a BRICS currency through its planned TON cryptocurrency, FSB sources say. The Russians then forced Durov to accept a Russian agent by the name of Ilya Perekopsky as his Vice-President, Perekopsky now controls Telegram.


    Given Perekopsky’s involvement in an investment fund called UCP that is linked to Deutschebank


    and to the Polish-based Blackmoon financial group


    we can speculate that this is some sort of German and Russian joint effort to dethrone the US dollar.

    French intelligence, for its part, says Durov’s pilot forced a landing in France because he had to “refuel.” The sources note “he could have landed in Switzerland and not France.”

    The Russians also contacted French dissidents after Durov’s arrest to try use it as an excuse to mount an attempt to overthrow the French government “in the name of free speech.” The French warn that an “international group of actors will attack French infrastructure in the last week of August.”

    The French also speculate that since President Emmanuelle Macron is a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family, “maybe they have no choice but to play ball with the Russians because they have lost so many of their members.” Here is a recent picture of him with his uncle who he pretends is his wife.

    In any case, Asian Secret Society sources say that no matter what Western group tries to take control over the world financial system using crypto-currency, they will fail because they do not have the gold to back it.

    What this all means is that heavy horse-trading over the future of the financial system is expected between now and the big BRICS summit due in October.  

    Okay, moving on to other topics, we note the Demonrats selected Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate without bothering to vote. They are now trying to market her with feel-good vibes instead of actual policy proposals. To understand this corporate campaign, just look at the one-minute Coca-Cola add linked below then substitute Kamala for Coke and you get the idea.


    At least Coca-Cola gives you a sugar and caffeine high (and possibly soon again a coca high). All that Kamala provides is a big downer. For example, as soon as she announced her candidacy, the US Labor Department admitted her administration inflated the number of jobs in the US by 818,000 people in the one year period ending in April 2024.



    Her regime is also responsible for a massive breakdown in the US social order prompted by over 20 million mostly military-aged male illegal immigrants. Many of these came from prisons and mental hospitals in places like Venezuela.

    Also, all the feel-good vibes are being used to hide a totalitarian gun grab and plans to arrest anybody who tries to protest their planned November election theft.



    Also, Kamala’s VP Tim Walz just had a private meeting with Alex Soros and none other than Huma Abedin of Killary Clinton fame, on Saturday. We have previously posted a video of Abedin torturing a young girl to death along with Killary.

    By contrast, Donald Trump is offering at least three clear things. One is that he will deport all the illegal immigrants. The other is that he will end the Ukraine war. The third -now that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has joined his campaign- is that he will take on big pharma.

    We note the fake Trump, despite considering Anthony Fauci a man of the Deep State, kept him as a consultant for the White House Covid-19 emergency and with the Warp Speed ​​project financed the accelerated production of Moderna’s Spikevax genetic serum, which later proved dangerous due to turbo-cancer problems and other very serious adverse reactions, even lethal.

    Also, his vice-presidential candidate Vance is an entrepreneur who is doing business on gene therapies in partnership with Battelle, one of the main contractors of the Pentagon which, together with Moderna, played a crucial role in the dangerous experiments on SARS viruses in the USA, China and Ukraine, says Italian journalist Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    Nonetheless, Trump has now been endorsed by anti-vax expert and long-term Democrat Robert F Kennedy Jr.

    RFK Jr. will be “actively campaigning” with Trump and both are all-in on making Americans healthy again.


    Here are some comments made by RFK Jr. in his speech announcing support for Trump:

    We are aligned with each other on other key issues like ending the forever wars, ending the childhood disease epidemics, securing the border, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies, getting the US intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveilling Americans and interfering with our elections….

    We spend more on healthcare than any country on earth -twice what they pay in Europe- and yet we have the worst health outcomes of any nation on earth. We are about 79th in health outcomes behind Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mongolia and other countries….

    Two-thirds of American children and adults suffer from chronic health issues, 50 years ago that number was less than 1%. 74% of Americans are now overweight or obese…In the year 2000, the autism rate was 15,000, now the autism rate in kids is one in 36….This is caused by ultra-processed foods and chemicals. Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but ubiquitous in American products. Many of these chemicals increase estrogen. America’s puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13 which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900. We are mass poisoning all of our children and our adults. Chronic disease costs at least 4 trillion dollars, five times our military budget.

    The jabs, chemtrails, toxins in the food and water, etc. are causing a population collapse in America.

    So it seems Kennedy decided to omit vaccine prosecutions in order to get the chance to prevent future crimes by Rockefeller-controlled corporate interests.

    In any case, Kennedy also makes it clear “In an honest system, I believe that I would have won the election.”

    Overall, who would you rather have as Secretary for Health, RFK Jr. or Rachel Levine?

    The answer is clear. An admittedly unscientific poll of 440,778 people by Elon Musk shows Trump supporters outnumber Kamala supporters by 82% to 18%.

    The satire below of a live look inside the Deep State war room after RFK Jr. and Trump joined forces is full of truth.


    Trump says he will have a series of announcements revealing “other Democrats joining his campaign.”

    In any case, even if Kennedy is willing to overlook vaccine crimes by Trump -or rather by the fake Trump- war crimes trials on this issue are inevitable.

    Recently leaked documents from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI), akin to America’s CDC, have revealed that the so-called “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a calculated hoax.

    During a press conference that sent shockwaves through Germany, Bastian Barucker exposed the horrifying details of the RKI’s protocols. Despite knowing children were not at risk from this rebranded common cold, brutal measures were enforced—school closures, fear campaigns, and the coerced vaccination of children. Children were manipulated into believing they could kill their grandparents if they didn’t adhere to strict health measures. The same children were pressured into taking experimental mRNA vaccines, even though it was already known that these vaccines did not prevent transmission and posed unknown long-term risks.

    The revelations have sparked outrage among medical professionals and experts. Similar revelations will soon surface in other countries, including the United States.

    News articles about this have been censored in the US, UK and Japan so we had to use a VPN and pretend to be in Thailand in order to access them. However, in case it works, here is the link to the leaked documents:


    The word is getting out despite these crude efforts at censorship. Here for example you can watch Dr. Jeffery Sachs tell Tucker Carlson “The government has lied to us from the beginning” about Covid and its origin.


    In Holland, meanwhile, research led by Dr. Marc Jacobs and Professor Ronald Meester into a possible link between COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality in the Netherlands has been published.

    The researchers analyzed 13,430 publications, of which only 83 met the team’s quality standards. “Following the science” was therefore not a wise approach during the pandemic, according to Meester. Their charts pictured below are clear evidence of mass murder by the KM using vaccines.

    These are the released Pfizer Documents with the thousands of side effects that they desperately tried to have Sealed and Hidden from YOU, for 75 years but instead were released in August 2024.


    The Rockefellers are fighting a desperate rear guard action to prevent war crimes trials for vaccine mass murder.

    The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, for their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.


    “The Rockefeller-owned AMA is still in action,” comments a CIA white-hat doctor. This satire of Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller speaking to Bill Gates contains much truth.

    They are also desperately promoting a Monkey Pox fraud as an excuse to declare a medical emergency. Here you can watch Rockefeller slave Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove from the WHO spouting fear porn regarding the dangers of Monkey Pox. She is an infectious disease epidemiologist and the technical lead for the COVID-19 response at the World Health Organization.


    Noted doctor Wolfgang Wodarg is among many who say Monkey Pox is actually shingles, a side effect of the COVID vaccines.

    “The main symptom of Monkey Pox is the rash that can look like blisters and is accompanied by severe pain. This is also typical for herpes zoster, or shingles. Shingles is a known side effect of the coronavirus vaccine…1 in 450 people reported shingles after vaccination,” he says. According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the Monkey Pox virus are not reliable. He argues that they are now making people afraid of diseases that are actually side effects of the coronavirus vaccinations.


    Notice how Shingles has become Monkey Pox.

    Asian Secret Society sources for their part have just outed a person they claim is the Monkey Pox man and one of the top hidden controllers:

    Leonard Leo serves as Executive Vice President of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. He has been a US Delegate to the UN Council and UN Commission on Human Rights as well as the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe and the World Health Assembly of the WHO. He also has served as an observer at the World Intellectual Property Organization and as a member of the US National Commission to UNESCO.


    Again this trail leads to the Vatican P2 Knights of Malta. Here for example you can watch P2 honcho Nancy Pelosi describe herself in an interview that is going viral: “We’re very discreet reptilian, cold-blooded.”


    These people will all be brought to justice as soon as they lose their places of refuge in KM strongholds like Ukraine and Israel, and that day is coming soon.

    In Ukraine, autumn is coming and Russia has already destroyed 70% of its electricity.


    Thousands of Ukrainian troops are now deserting every day, says Alexander Fediyenko, a member of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament).



    Earlier, another Rada member Ruslan Gorbenko informed that around 80,000 criminal cases against servicemen who abandoned their positions has been launched.

    The military incursion into Kursk is not helping. In what he describes as a terrible waste of military talent, Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor says all the equipment used to invade Kursk has been destroyed and the troops sent in have been surrounded and cut off from retreating into Ukraine. The war is basically over, he says. “We really need to deal with the regime in Kyiv, it is offensive and dangerous to everyone,” he adds.


    Meanwhile, their dictator Vladimir Zelensky is trying to outlaw Christianity. Vladimir Zelensky “has no religious identity” and his crackdown on the Orthodox church is “full-fledged Satanism” supported by people in his government, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed on Friday. 


    The situation is just as bad in Israel.

    Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assailed National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Friday, in the wake of a letter by Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar on Thursday that accused Ben Gvir of helping cause “indescribable damage” to Israel by encouraging Jewish extremists in the West Bank and elsewhere.


    At his handover ceremony on Thursday (AEST), the outgoing head of Israeli military intelligence Major-General Aharon Haliva said the failures on October 7 would haunt him for the rest of his life.


    MacGregor says:

    Americans do not understand that many Israelis see this as an all-or-nothing proposition. They are effectively saying we refuse to live in a region with people that we cannot control. That’s the bottom line, if you cannot control the Amalek, the people who live around you that you have dismissed as subhuman, then the only alternative is to kill them…or for you to pack up your things and leave and they are not going to leave at least not at this point. I think it is a terrible situation for Israel to be in but they put themselves in this situation.

    This happens as the peace negotiations in an Asian country this past weekend have “failed”, with both sides holding firm on their demands with no side agreeing to be flexible.

    In a sign of impending doom for Israel, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi will pay his first visit to Ankara on Sept. 4 to meet his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss Gaza, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.


    Israelis are fleeing in droves and soon only criminals will be left there, Mossad sources warn. Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year, leading to about 100,000 victims annually, according to The Matzof Association, an Israeli pedophile monitoring group.


    The blockade against Israel is also intensifying. Last week a missile attack set the Greek-flagged oil tanker MV Sounion on fire. It was carrying 150,000 tons of crude; a little more than four times the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez in 1989. This raises the alarming possibility of a major environmental disaster in the Red Sea,


    The US military is in no position to help either. Military Sealift Command has drafted a plan to remove the crews from 17 Navy support ships due to a lack of qualified mariners to operate the vessels across the Navy, USNI News learned.


    People are leaving the US military in droves because nobody wants to fight for Israel.

    It also looks like the KM are using Ukrainian proxies to try to carve out a place to flee to in Northern Africa. Authorities in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have now asked the UN Security Council to take action against Kyiv for “supporting terrorism.” In a letter to the UN Security Council, the three countries asked the Council to “take responsibility” for Ukraine’s actions and to prevent “subversive acts” that threaten regional and continental stability.

    It also looks like the KM are either killing each other off or faking their deaths in order to flee to places like Patagonia.

    The case of UK billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch is a recent example as this news item shows:

    Billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch’s co-defendant in US fraud trial DIES in hospital after being hit by a car on Saturday – days before the ‘British Bill Gates’ went missing after superyacht sank.


    The chairman of Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife also went missing in this yacht “freak accident” off the coast of Italy. Lynch was acquitted on all charges in a San Francisco court in June after he was accused of an $11 billion fraud linked to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.

    A case has been opened “against unknown persons for negligent shipwreck and manslaughter,” the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Raffaele Cammarano, told a press conference, as quoted by Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera


    Hewlett Packard is owned by Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock so it is the usual suspects. The Italians need to look at Larry Fink and his Rockefeller masters.


    Of course, the Italians may soon be too swamped with illegal immigrants to have the manpower to conduct this investigation.

    Several years ago, Texas had a brilliant idea: take the millions of illegal immigrants that were flooding its territory as a result of policies adopted in faraway places like DC, and bus them to places like New York and DC, other so-called sanctuary cities and, best of all, Martha’s Vineyard where those who run New York and DC tend to go on vacation. The result was an immediate revulsion by the false virtue-signaling NIMBY crowd, which cried foul at having to suffer the consequences of its actions. Now, Hungary suggested that it might – like Texas – start transporting migrants who show up at its border straight to Brussels, unless it can resolve a dispute with the European Union on penalties for its asylum policies


    Strife involving illegal immigrants is increasing across Europe as this article shows:

    A major manhunt is underway after a Friday night mass stabbing attack killed three people and wounded eight more at a “Festival of Diversity” in Germany. 


    This follows nearly identical stabbing incidents in the UK and Ireland indicating this is a Gladio-style intelligence agency operation aimed at stopping uncontrolled immigration.

    There are also problems brewing in Asia. Our sources say Asian secret societies are about to make some major moves. North Korea may be involved.

    North Korea’s leadership has ordered increased cooperation with Russia on weapons development. This decision came after a meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian Deputy Defense Minister Aleksey Krivoruchko.

    The new initiative focuses on creating a research team to learn advanced missile technology from Russia and training North Korean military units to use new weapon systems.


    In another sign, PLA brass visited Russia a day after Chinese Premier Li Qiang met Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin.


    China needs a distraction because its own problems are starting to boil over.

    China’s property sector remains in a multi-year slump, resulting in soft demand for base metals like iron ore and copper…only 1% of steel mills are profitable in the world’s second-largest economy. As profitability collapses, hot metal output declines. 


    The Chinese attempt to deal with this via a renewed urbanization push overlooks basic demographic theory. In the cities, people have fewer children due to high housing costs, limited space, expensive education, and because they spend most of their day at work.


    The overall situation is current paradigms are not working in both East and West, and some sort of big reboot is inevitable.

    As we mentioned near the top, participants at a meeting with Asian Secret Societies and Secret Space force representatives in Asia last weekend told us to expect something dramatic along these lines in November.

    The Execution of YouTube CEO and arrest of Telegram CEO are just the beginning.
