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2006/06/25 22:32:34瀏覽765|回應0|推薦2


一、民主政治和政黨輪替是普世價值,也是本人的堅定信念。本人過去對台灣民主政治和政黨輪替所公開表達的各種主張,今日檢視,依然堅持.「向上提升" has made Chen the Taiwan Emperor; while "向下沉淪" has made people in Taiwan living in Hell in the past 6 years.? 今日檢視這篇文章 should have made you crying in the midnight, if you have conciense of a decent scholar.

二、民主進步黨執政以來,政績有限,弊案不少。對於該黨未能堅持理想,未能謙卑執政,本人深感痛心。殷盼該黨深自檢討,以後功補前過 俾不負人民寄託。
6 years passed you you still want people to follow you and expect to patch up with another 2 years rotten job given to that Chen shit-ben? give me a Break! If DPP had the lowest standard of demorcracy in the world history, DPP would have allowed at least one member of DPP lagislators to vote for the RECALL for the sake of the modern demorcracy. When you saw Chen's dictatorship style of the so-called modern demorcracy, do you honestly believe that DPP and Chen would follow your advice to review and make up for the people in Taiwan? Can a country like Taiwan afford wasting another 2 years for people to get a better life? 

三、現行憲法對罷免總統的高門檻設計,應係當年修憲時著眼安定政局的縝密考量。本人認為發動罷免的一方,應當深切體察憲政之治的原理,但被罷免的人也應當再三推敲「止謗莫如自修」的精義. The amendment to the Taiwan Constitution were designed by Lee for his Emperor like pension plan and purposedly to tighten the oldman's grib of power. What is good for the people? You are trying to shift people's attentions tactics and use double standard. When people of California wanted to recall Goveror Gray Davis you did not sound the same way. Why?  What is good for Chen to have a deep review and study?  Do you honestly think that Chen will make any reform? The purpose of your statement was
motivated to help Chen and fool the whole people in Taiwan. This is what historian will write in the school test book.

The way you you put it and the wording your application were like Chen Shi ben. It was the work of a ghost writing designed to fool the people! Beautiful!  Actually  your talking is Apple and Orange. It has nothing to do with partisan fight.  We wanted to recall Chen Shit Ben was due many to the corruption of his family and administration. The people in Taiwan knows what they want is basic integrity and better livelihood. It has nothing to do with blue or green or birth of origin. Democracy and Economy is moving up and down in accordance with efficient leadership of the government. You are dreaming that with Chen in the driver seat people will have a better life with another 2 years. If I were you I would consider to resign in protest against Chen's poor performance and go back to Berkeley to spend rest of my retirement life.


2006-06-26 01:42 by Fair
I am sorry for waking you up in the night.
Your "南方朔果真不愧為「大師」" made sense.
"過去的『清流』,搞不好比國民黨時代的濁流更濁,但他們還是會霸佔『清流』的招牌」,於是,台灣恐怕會陷入將是一種「清流」的「神格化」時代,沒有人可以挑戰他們,他們也不屑「回到凡間」" Look what happened in the
四、台灣是國際社會的成員.........! You are talking like Chen Shi ben to fool the people! Beautiful! Actually your talking is Apple and Orange. It has nothing to do with partisan fight. We want to recall Chen Shit Ben is due many to the corruption of his family and administration.........
The above is a digest of my comments. 李遠哲四點聲明 would turn your worry come true. 台灣恐怕會陷入將是一種「清流」的「神格化」時代,沒有人可以挑戰他們,他們也不屑「回到凡間」"
( 時事評論政治 )
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