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2006/05/21 04:17:58瀏覽517|回應0|推薦2

A well-developed democracy goes hands in hands with unshakable judicial system. For the past 6 years we witnessed the judicial system in Taiwan has been corrupted with too much political influence and became a tool of political power. Too many criminal case
have been got away with law enforcement without proper punishments.
Even Chen and his clique commited offensive organized crime defined by the following defination:Organized crime, however defined, is characterized by a few basic qualities including durability over time, diversified interests, hierarchical structure, capital accumulation, reinvestment, access to political protection and the use of violence to protect interests. 檢調 of the Taipei Office is trying to defend Chen with narrow scope of the defination and let them get away with it.  檢調 forgets only judge can explain the law. 

 This raises the questions to the personnel working in the Taiwan Judicial system:

  1. What kind of education the government provides them?
  2. Do they know that the tax payer-people are paying their salary?
  3. When they swear in, do they know that their responsibilities is abide by the law and protect the people.
  4. Among all kind of profession, law enforcement including policemen DA and judges are most respected by the people. In the eyes of those lawmen, they only see the justice without binding to the pressure from any parties.
  5. Once their integrity is at stake in large, the country will turn into a lawless region and the country will soon become chaos.

 From what I observed recently, I found it hard to believe that Taiwan’s judicial system has been down graded from the bottom. People have lost trust in the lawmen. People have paid for their living their family and their conscience of service. Some time I ask my self how those people can sleep in the night without feeling guilty. All people work hard to earn their living even when pressed hard in their life people still pay their taxes. Those lawmen get their paycheck without doing some thing to bring about justice. They constitute the stealing and highway robbery themselves. They simply get money without doing the job.

I want to ask those 檢調“What happen to your integrity and conscience?
你們檢調俸祿皆來自民脂民膏,豈可辜負人民的付託?You turned Taiwan, ROC a lawless country. 

( 時事評論政治 )
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