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A case of misleading & reply from Suntory
2014/10/10 10:01:22瀏覽292|回應1|推薦6

Dear Sirs
I was in Viva home of Hunabashi this morning.
I was going to buy C.C lemon from your vending
machine. The label says that bottle contains
70 Lemons worth of Vitamin C. The bottle I
bought coming from vending machine was
50 Lemons worth of Vitamins. It is very
regrettable and worth your immediate attention
that was a case of MISLEADING.
Your attention is invited to take corrective
action and reply to me by sending email to
Michael Han Ky
I took pictures of both in my smartphone
as evidences.
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email, this is Suntory Customer Centre.
Thank you for raising a concern regarding your purchase of C.C Lemon where, upon purchase from a vending machine, the product that came out had not the same vitamin C content as written on the vending machine.  I regret to read that you experienced such an issue and apologize for any disappointment caused.

I would like to investigate this issue as fully as I can for you and, as such, ask that you please provide the following information.

Firstly, if you could provide us the details of where you purchased our product, it would be very much appreciated. For example, the second vending machine, in front of the first floor exit of “Viva Home Funabashi”. Also if you could tell us of the color and codes that can identify the vending machine (found at the bottom right of the vending machine starting with SNFO), it would allow us to identify and remedy this error as well.

We would like to know to the fullest detail to how this occurred and would very much appreciate it if you could give us more information by contacting us at:
Calling us at;
0120-139-320 (addressed to Alan from Suntory)

Our team is eager to resolve this matter for you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely

Suntory Customer Centre

Michael Han mikkyhanudn@gmail.com

4:43 AM (16 hours ago)
to webmaster1
Dear Sirs,
From iPhone I sent you two pictures of your products
which is self explanatory.
I can not provide other details as I consumed the  C.C Lemon
already and am happy that you have taken care of the Misleading
Michael Han Ky


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John Doe
2014/10/13 08:29
