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2014/07/11 14:15:31瀏覽414|回應5|推薦15
Mr. Han,

I am in receipt of your email dated Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:22 PM.

I am happy to help answer your question.

According to our records, your current pacemaker is a Boston Scientific Insignia I + DDDR 1297. 

I am able to confirm the 1297 is not approved by the FDA for use with the MRI. Boston Scientific does not recommend use of MRI with this device.

The recommendation from Boston Scientific is to use a CAT Scan as a reasonable substitute.

I have copied Boston Scientific’s Technical Services in Japan. 


Chuck Donahue

Charles Donahue, BS NASPETESTAMURx
Senior Technical Consultant
Boston Scientific charles.donahue@bsci.com
651 582-2256 C. 651 324 4463 
MS 7-345 4100 Hamline Ave. N.
St Paul, MN 55112

The information provided in this document is based on Boston Scientific’s current technical and clinical understanding of how our products operate and are intended to interact with the human body. It does not constitute medical advice, which should be provided only by qualified and licensed health care providers.

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2014/07/16 16:08
決定用三Dot scan 查看腹部以下動脈、看有沒有動脈阻塞

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Good luck
2014/07/12 21:54

Wish everything goes well with you with God's blessing。

Wait and see.
2014/07/12 21:44

Since they sent copy to Japan Hospital already
I will see if Dr. will conduct CAT scan or not.
Let me keep finger crossed. 

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/07/12 21:37

It is good to have the response promptly。

Does it help?