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2006/02/01 11:18:21瀏覽3525|回應0|推薦0 | |
教授張定宗,我永遠忘不了【您】?!” 1998年、我看到了联合報的肝病新發展、連忙打電話向您求助、您拒接。現在 旺盛的生命力. 您的發見.....【病患的肝纖維化六年后完全消失】在我 早不是新聞、因為早在05年、我的肝纖維化完全消失 、您的發見整整晚了 我五年! 另外、联合報的新聞說:"新藥 抗藥性低 肝基會執行長、台大內科教授許金川表示,第一代藥物「干安能」因抗藥性高,服藥一段時間後便易失效。新一代藥物抗藥性低、療效佳,除貝樂克外,「干適能」與美國去年核准用於治療B肝的抗愛滋病毒藥物「Viread」等新藥,都有不錯的療效。....." 據我Google的調查、「Viread」等新藥,都有不錯的療效。....有嚴重性的誤導、 Prof. Chang, 臨床藥學研究所 國立成功大學 TEL :(886) 6-275-7575 701台南市大學路一號 Dear Dr. Chang,研究團隊成員、成大醫學院內科教授張定宗 I wish this letter would reach you in good health. After 7 years incident, I don’t know if you are still alive or retired. I am writing this letter in an attempt to remove the rock from the bottom of my heart and move forward to live my life. 7 years ago I read a news from UDN in L.A. in which it mentioned you were in charge of Taiwan “Epivir’ experiment study. The results through 1996~1997 showed HB patient’s virus decrease down 98%. I was very excited about this news and made a special trip to Taiwan in a hope that you might be able to prescribe the Epivir as one of your experiment patient. I stayed in the hotel and asked one of my friends Prof. Chu of Chinese Literature Department for assistance. He gave me your telephone number and I made the call. It was unfortunate that for some reason you refused to take phone and offering a helping hand to a HB patient who was in a desperate situation near reaching the end of his life. I have met all kind of doctors in my life. Most of them, if not all, are kind and considerate. You, offered no explanation, made my heart broken. I decided to find an alternative and purchased Epivir in Hong Kong market. Here I am still alive. I could never forget this incident in my life. Do all the doctors in Taiwan like you treat people cold bloodedly without a kind word? I learn from UDN news that most of doctors in Taiwan made them self-rich and deep in pocket. If you happened to be one of them then I have no regret. May be at the time of your refusal did tell me something about you. I am a straight man. I hate crime. I hate bribery. Should I be saved my life through bribery I would rather choose to die for the good course. I consider that you are one of the lowest and mean people in my memory. I recall vividly some of them like follows:
They all pissed me off. You are one of the above mentioned. I think I deserve your apology. Sincerely yours Michael 文章資料來源:轉載自【自由時報 記者王昶閔/台北報導】2009.2.16 肝纖維化 修復變軟 B型肝炎帶原者常因潛在肝發炎,肝臟反覆受損,引發肝纖維化而不自知,一旦發病為時已晚。一項跨國研究發現,長期服用新一代抗B肝病毒藥物,經有效抑制病毒複製與肝發炎,可使纖維化的硬肝「變軟」,顛覆過往肝硬化、纖維化無法逆轉的傳統思維。 病患測試
慢性肝病與肝硬化高居我國十大死因第七位,每年約有五千人死亡。昨在香港舉行的亞太肝臟研究學會上,某跨國藥廠發表一項臨床試驗,受試的五十七位B型肝炎病患,在服用抗B肝藥物「貝樂克」平均六年後,經肝切片確認,高達九十六%的患者,壞死性肝炎指數、肝纖維化指數都下降,可望降低猛爆性肝炎與肝癌的風險。 研究團隊成員、成大醫學院內科教授張定宗表示,肝臟因病毒感染長期發炎,會受損而引發纖維化,肝臟纖維化指數依照輕重程度可分為零到六分不等,當達到五、六分時,就是肝硬化。 研究顯示,有五十六%受試病患的肝纖維化完全消失。肝硬化患者肝纖維化指數平均也降低三分,變成中輕度纖維化。張定宗指出,醫界過去大多認為肝硬化無法逆轉,這項成果是一項新突破。 新一代藥 抗藥性低 肝基會執行長、台大內科教授許金川表示,第一代藥物「干安能」因抗藥性高,服藥一段時間後便易失效。新一代藥物抗藥性低、療效佳,除貝樂克外,「干適能」與美國去年核准用於治療B肝的抗愛滋病毒藥物「Viread」等新藥,都有不錯的療效。 |
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