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2006/02/01 11:00:41瀏覽923|回應0|推薦0

A time Bomb. Waiting to explore any time.


Once people is contracted with HBV. He became a life time HBV carrier. Even if all data shows normal and doctor tell that you can live a normal life, you are carrying a time bomb. The day’s announcement of HB carrier is the day that the clock starts clicking.

 Sounds scaring ?

Yes, it is. Be it that you are at age of 20 or 70, the bomb will explore. Doctor says some get lucky and become lifetime carrier.

I am not that lucky.

The clock bomb has clicked for more than 10 years from 1992. A prolonged click! I almost forget I was a carrier until 1993. I still wonder what triggered the ignition.

I had observed the rules of the game laid by Japanese Doctors.

“Drinking beer is not forbidden, but not over one bottle a day.”  I have lived normal life like all the rest

 of us. Than how the HBV becomes activating?

The doctor has no answer.

I started mind searching of my life style before the bomb explored.

The Motel business reached the best record in 1993. I got nothing to complain.

Oh, yes! I remembered for a period of time I started bad habit drinking half bottle of Shao-Ko wine before I went to sleep. That was in winter season. You had few foreign tourists in a week. Life was easy. For about one month before bed time, I warmed the bottle together with sweet roasted peanuts I enjoyed the warmth and smooth feeling of wine taste. I feel very high and comfortable then wrapped myself in a soft down comforter for a well night sleep.

That may be the trigger to start the mechanism of awakening the sleeping virus.

I remember I saw some medical article mentioning some element in the peanuts aflatoxin might trigger the allergy. Well, I am not scientist. But if it can trigger allergy it might trigger other virus too.


2006/02/01 10:59:04
The following is experement data through out the year until I got Epivir.

Medicine name

Chicken bone+Ken-I-














3 years


4 years


8 years up to 2006








16~26 normal





68~209 H




12~36 normal


China Cost







1~4.7 normal


PT count






53L~76L & up


 US cost

Annual cost









Here I like to present reader Scientific and cost analysis for the available medicine and operation:




The 1st medicine has no Chinese doctor’s

Dr. Chen in Jan 1966 told me that based on all the Scan blood test the HBV has turned into liver cancer. 

The 2nd GABONIN worked fine but can not clarify its claimed evaluation. IE. The clinical effects is quite obvious while the product was used for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis especially for acute  hepatits.The total efffective rate for acute hepatitis is 93.5%, for chronic hepatitis  is 80.5%. The

Rate of HBSag of hepatitis B turning to negativity is about 30%.. and Gandechine from Germany. (I tried

But had serious side effects of burning itching feelings.)


The 3rd medicine Epivir works for me. I attribute that for saving my life.

http://www.yosemitemuirlodge.com    to be continued……..

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