Stupid of history and culture will be a edge,and whatever this obsession not ridiculous.Because of it has been questioned,and could not face new era of global challenge,therefore,we should think of ending of history doomed to an increasingly globalized warrior. - 台灣窮小子
The answer to these obsessions is a dilemma:the dilemma of stupid of history and culture.The stupid of history and culture concepts have been out-of-date ; ending of history will start new pattern,new era of national mobilization-integration operations.These are not absolutely related to the age-old of history and culture because of we are warriors.We will see that bright inherent and enough to gather together in dream of integration.This is the historical moment of ending of history which hedging versus the strategic threat stupid of history and culture relations.In turn,also,we will see vision and status of the future in the future.The strategic goal of the ending of history is to resolve paradox historical developments.At the same time,ending of history is breaking struggle for stupid of history and culture - a classic of the warrior of the ending of history will start.It cannot denied that stubborn of history and culture cannot face global competitions,even,power struggles.These are no matter what now and future.Simply put,ending of history will make sure nation's political,military,and economic interdependent partnerships.This will be major power.台灣窮小子 has found that,absolutely,these were the biggest strategic mistakes of the DPP,including the Taiwan. The twenty Japan's relationship was not a fix on the comprehensive cooperation relationship with the U.S. The ten Japan's relationship was not a fix on the partnershipwith the China. Simply put.stupid of history and ciulture have spoken so much,and for a ling time.Ending of history will free our destiny in the predictive future.Stupid of history and culture is not swiveled ; also.ending of history means that it will make recognized the strategic reality that they do not have ability to give nation to re-turn back super power status.In other words,ending of history will shift the stupid of history and culture,in particular,we face conflict and intensify cooperation.At the same time,ending of history can still be felt the efforts of historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism,so,the warrior of ending of history remains useful,especially,we intensify Taiwan's national and homeland security missions.The warrior of ending of history will be vision and attention for the future.We must insist that we are not turningWe will not make compromise between the stupid of history and culture,and we make national superiority,in particular,women superiority. Fascinating as ending of history as woman,because of this remains global parameter of independence and freedom,seen through science and technology of realism.Ending of history rise,followed by history and culture relative stupid,also,will change global position,in particular,geostrategic re-balance of power.Ending of history is national opportunity,means of war-fighting,and power to face global change.These are no matter what the China,or the Taiwan,rather than stupid of history and culture.Ending of history is accordance with the logic of global science and technology,therefore,in this circumstances,which owns national strategy superiority is not unavoidable.The argument of stupid of history and culture that they seem like ET destructor,who cannot find a historical fact which depends on struggle.But,ending of history cannot and also,not feel out of sort to occupy national dominant,only emphasize that interdependent challenges.This is it.We must confront.So,in these conditions,ending of history provide overcoming change elements to avoid and prevent historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism of attacks and threats,in particular,it is not inexpensive.In time,ending of history provide national core benefit will outweigh stupid of history and culture of tensions.Since ending of history vision,the best strategy is to ending stupid of history and culture of dominative fundament principle.From Taiwan's prospective,Taiwan doed not tolerate stupid of history and culture of necessity.Absolutely!China is ,too.台灣窮小子's idea is that partner option is no choice-ending of history.Indeed,it is simply.We are pals,rather than,stupid of history and culture.In other words,ghost is still partner with stupid of history and culture.Or,women are the most loyal strategic partners with us.In fact,we understand why this ending of history hypothetical assumption is reasonable. For instance: 1,If we are ending of history,we must insist that we are not turning,since Taiwan's prospective,the warrior of ending of history will protect it,despite let woman doing so. 2,As ending of history is mobilizing national and people support,because stupid of history and culture are national threats and crises. Because of Taiwaneses' ending of history is the most terrified.Especially,women.The single shows that we are owning the best life of independence,freedom,and democracy.Because of the hegemony of stupid of history and culture have always been credible,in particular,capitulation cannot also on all Taiwanese.Simply put,Taiwanese are real warriors of ending of history.So,ending of history will represent reversal of the victory for the future.The imagination of ending of history will come.Especially,we will not make compromise with stupid of history and culture ; we make national superiority,especially,woman superiority,who will lead us to return to our inherent super power and status.Ending of history is the future,and now is preparation.So,what does this mean?Ending of history!Ending of history does mean that national and people assertiveness,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Eventually,the warriors of ending of hostory are reawakened sense of overcoming change force.Especially,ending of history intention to be the strongest force in the worldwide,in particular,women. Ending of history is superior national strategic development,prevent expansion to stupid of history and culture,or,the explanation of who we are with partnerships. Faced conflict and pragmatic change,we need partners to become as defeat of power resources. The definition of ending of history,perhaps that will differ from what it meant? Simply put,Taiwan needs to provide security partnership,who keep economic security and power.These are not the kind of stupid of history and culture. This is why the Japan aand South Korea attempt to ending of history,meanwhile,partnership with the U.S. of both sides.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture. A fast-developing new model ending of history in global change,this is Taiwan's effortto change our country,especially,our relationship with the United States for the future,this including the China. As a national strategu deployment,ending of history does not following age-old model,or,only remembering lessons. Since vision perspective of the future,the age-old of history and culture keeps down traditional of national mobilization energy,and they use a hegemony,so,they do not make sense. New pattern of ending of history represents an alternation,and will include Taiwan's future,rather than,stupid of history and culture. Consider this situation,new pattern of ending of history is now guaranteeing Taiwan's independent,free,and democratic models. This moment,not is mutually exclusive,or replaced,and eventually,become significant Taiwan's action for the future.In other words,Taiwan's core benefits. Stupid of history and culture are no reason why it should be insist? New pattern of ending of history is build traditional partnership,but,not will become stupid of history and culture complex and contradictory objectives. Simply put,it provides Taiwan's superiority and encouragment,rather than,stupid of history and culture complex and contradictory ridicules. Emblematic of the stupid of history and culture contradictory reality is to bring about tensions,in particular,discordance,instigation and subvert,which this logical contradictory is uncertainty over the changing of production. However,new pattern of ending of history is strengthening concurrently,and response to the changing global strategy situation,or,willingness to empower the idea of we are pals. This is national option which must be on the table. Because of magnificent superiority of new pattern of ending of history is to re-build national science and technology of pragmatism,and straightforward partners. As a result,new pattern of ending of history is Taiwan's partner,and own a core interest.This is it.Moreover,we must opposite any justifications by stupid of history and culture. Therefore,ending of history is natural,to provide Taiwan and our partner's common interests. An an attitude of ending of history is pragmatic,and make no bones about the true,and seek Taiwan's national core benefit. Stupid of history and culture are being met with their lies,so,ending of history is honest that will make real Taiwan's superiority. Ending of history goal is an opportunity reasonable of succeeding,extensive cooperation is to face stubborn of history and culture brings remarkable crises and threats,even,extreme competition in worldwide. The warriors of ending of history create national core benefit and interdependence,which are nation's exceptional opportunities-the way of greatest potential for resolution of stupid of history and culture. What combines these facts are ending a contradiction as a history and culture-our nation. 台灣窮小子 believes that what Taiwan's national core benefit to be can change what really is. Accepting the warrior of ending of history,Taiwan needs change,which means that ending of history is logical. We cannot stick out the future,if ending of history is a winner,perhaps everybody can become as a warrior. But,if we do not ending of history,so,we will lose Taiwan?