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2016/02/10 13:39:28瀏覽118|回應0|推薦0 | |
【香港抗議-打著左旗反左旗】 POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 FEB 9 2016
Support for street sellers in HongKong fired off a violent conflict ; it is a disturbance of Leftists-stupid , rather than an insurrection. A ban on street sellers in Hong Kong changed violent conflict overnight , in other words , where four journalists and 80 police officers were injured , that it is a disturbance. When situation turned into spoiled , and one police officer fired warning shots - gunfire also fired off protests. According to the Hong Kong’s police commissioner , he said , "police are justified in firing shots when there was "no alternative". According to the Hong Kong government , where committing to "apprehend the mobs and bring them to justice" , and "strongly condemns such violent acts". Indeed,when police officer lives are being threatened , they are allowed to use firearms - it is a sense of the Globe. But a further investigation was need. New Leftists-stupid of the HongKong - who are strong distrust of both China and HongKong , their own government , and a a signal for the 2014 "Occupy" protests. In spite of police officer opens fire , but public opinion and people are still support the police. In the end , if Chinese Government overlooked , that the violence of Leftists-stupid will escalate in the future - the point of no return. The Lunar New Year of the HongKong is still so pretty , only history and culture are so ugly/ .................................................................................................... 【HONG KONG PROTEST】 【THE ONE WHO SHOUTS "THIEF" ! MIGHT BE THE GENUINE THIEF HIMSELF】 支持香港街頭攤販,引爆暴力衝突,這是左蠢份子的騷亂,而不是暴動; 一夜之間,對香港街頭攤販的禁令,演變成暴力衝突; 換句話說,四名記者與八十名警察受傷,這是騷亂! 當狀況變壞,一名警察鳴槍示警,槍響也引爆抗議; 依據香港警務處長說:"警方有正當理由在開槍,別無選擇!"; 依據香港政府說:"承諾,逮捕暴徒,並把他們繩之以法,並"強烈譴責這種暴力行為"; 其實,當警察生命受到威脅時,他們被允許使用槍械這是全球共識; 但是,需要一個進一步的調查! 新香港左蠢-通常是強烈不信任中國與香港政府; 導火線可能是2014年的佔中抗議行動; 即使警察開槍,輿論與民眾,仍然會支持警察! 最後是,左蠢暴力將會升級在未來-一個無法挽回的態勢,如果中國政府忽視; 農曆新年的香港還是美麗的,只有歷史與文化是醜陋的! |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |